
Hello all! 
          	I'm here after a long time because of the academic commitments but I'm here today as this day is very special to me. One year ago on this day I published my first Samaina fan fiction and to be honest this story has given me so much to cherish. The love, the support, the happiness this story has provided me is ineffable. I wanna thank all of you for all the love and appreciation. 
          	I really want to make a comeback with a new story but right now I have so much on my plate. I don't know when I will be back but till then keep loving and keep supporting. 
          	Read this book again for me ;) 
          	Stay safe and stay healthy✨
          	Lots of love❤


@Khwaish1 congratulations dear ❤️


Hello all! 
          I'm here after a long time because of the academic commitments but I'm here today as this day is very special to me. One year ago on this day I published my first Samaina fan fiction and to be honest this story has given me so much to cherish. The love, the support, the happiness this story has provided me is ineffable. I wanna thank all of you for all the love and appreciation. 
          I really want to make a comeback with a new story but right now I have so much on my plate. I don't know when I will be back but till then keep loving and keep supporting. 
          Read this book again for me ;) 
          Stay safe and stay healthy✨
          Lots of love❤


@Khwaish1 congratulations dear ❤️


Truth is a gleaming star which couldn't be concealed by lies! We all are facing injustice and inequity at personal fronts but do we really have to do the same here also where the main purpose is to only spread love through reading and writing! This partiality and unfairness is not needed at all, be kind to everyone and be fair! Thanks for tagging me in the comments, I just hope people become more considerate from here onwards and think how their deeds would affect others.. 


Hey all! Do check these awards out and enroll yourself asap because the slots are limited and you just can't miss this awesome opportunity! ❤


@bhsh22 The pleasure is all mine di ✨


Thank you sweetie 


@Aishu_Karthik I will definitely read this book and that other one also which you have mentioned earlier as soon as I get enough time and calm mind as nowadays I'm quite busy on studies front all thanks to the commencement of new semester!! 
          All the best with this book also.. 
          Stay safe and take care! 
          Lots of love❤❤