
F it! I changed the fraternity as well. Thinking back to that time, attending SEMO two years before that incident, knowing some of the fraternity members…I cannot. 
          	Originally the character was an Alpha anyway, I'm not sure why I changed it to Kappa. 
          	If you have no idea what I'm talking about, google Southeast Missouri State University and Kappa Alpha Psi


F it! I changed the fraternity as well. Thinking back to that time, attending SEMO two years before that incident, knowing some of the fraternity members…I cannot. 
          Originally the character was an Alpha anyway, I'm not sure why I changed it to Kappa. 
          If you have no idea what I'm talking about, google Southeast Missouri State University and Kappa Alpha Psi


I had to make a small change (but big to me) in a detail of All That It Seems. I had Amari previously attending one college for a year (SEMO) and then transferring to Missouri State. Like I did…yes most my stories are based off real things.
          But then she meets a Kappa from there. But if you know like I know, they were banned permanently from SEMO. 
          So I changed the school


470K reads for Sex Empire!! Yay!!!
          Thanks to everyone who has read or will read. Keep the reads coming and I love to se those comments as well. Spread the love so others can enjoy!
          Sorry there have not been many updates with Sex Empire II. I’m stuck, don't know what’s next but as soon as I have a breakthrough I will update! 


@KimberlyWesley congrats! ✨️❤️


Before I post the next episode of Love, Lust & Lies season two, I want to apologize to my readers.
          You've stuck with me through season one and I know season two is getting complicated with more characters and storylines. And I know you have your favorite storylines.
          Bear in mind this is a SOAP OPERA, not a romance novel like I typically write. There may be no happily ever after, or it will take a long time to get to it.
          And everything I write is for a reason.
          And just don't get too upset with me about this next episode ❤️


@KimberlyWesley it's ok I'm a big girl I can handle it ❤️


@jsulli73 sorry! It's why I held it back for a day. 


New story All That it Seems is posted!!
          And I thought this would be a simple copy and paste to here but this story needed edits. I found so many mistakes. With no feedback from readers on Kindle Vella, no one said it was a piece of crap that needed more edits.
          So if you find blatant mistakes call me out on them! 


Sorry, I know I have said I would post a new story yesterday but I'm having an issue with the cover. Looking for something romantic and sexy and well… nothing. I have a great picture of my city, St. Louis, where most of my stories take place, and I'll just use that for now. The cover will probably change often 


I said before I would drop something new real soon I just did not know when. Well, one of my Kindle Vella stories I am moving here and I will start adding tomorrow!! All done I just need to load it here. I hope you all will love it as much as I do. 


@jsulli73 All That It Seems with the three friends. I'm actually editing another one to query. 


@KimberlyWesley I think I was going to start that but I'm looking forward to it ❤️


@KimberlyWesley I'm sure I will which one are you bringing I have started a couple of your on there.