
Hey everyone, so the long awaited return of Stranger Things got updated but before I get to season 4 or even publishing it I wanna go ahead and make some drafts before I put up the season 4 chapters and I'm probably go finish Woe Love before as well. Just please give me a little time before I update them so I can get them out at regular intervals. I'm probably going to do them in two separate portions. One focusing on the Hawkins story and the other on the California story but do them as separate chapters. 
          	Now I know some of you are confused as I made it to where Billy survived but I have many more motives and ideas, some i hope you all will like and if season 5 is gonna be what I think it will be Billy may have a good place in it


Hey everyone, so the long awaited return of Stranger Things got updated but before I get to season 4 or even publishing it I wanna go ahead and make some drafts before I put up the season 4 chapters and I'm probably go finish Woe Love before as well. Just please give me a little time before I update them so I can get them out at regular intervals. I'm probably going to do them in two separate portions. One focusing on the Hawkins story and the other on the California story but do them as separate chapters. 
          Now I know some of you are confused as I made it to where Billy survived but I have many more motives and ideas, some i hope you all will like and if season 5 is gonna be what I think it will be Billy may have a good place in it


Has anyone noticed on their stories when someone comments it sometimes won't show you where exactly they put the comment, or is it just my account


@KingOfShips1 would you mind if I ask you a question ?


Did you guys hear about Wattpad deleting stories that haven't been updated, if that's the case, imma lose my favorite stories that were never completed, but that signifies that I do need to update some stories


@BlindFire206 NOOOO, we could have quicker updates :D


@KingOfShips1 Apparently if you just put them as complete, they will be safe.