
Hey there, 
          	I'm happy to announce that Lost in Blue's final chapter has dropped just now! It's done and I can mark it as complete! :) 
          	Huge thank you to @PennyPapers who's the first to have made it that far into the story and always provided lovely feedback. Thank you! If you haven't, check out  her ONC entry "Lunette" and her cozy fantasy "Where Frost Meets Fire". Those are both books I can recommend and enjoy reading! :)
          	Last but not least, I'll probably work on Lost in Blue's editing/rewriting from time to time to tie up some loose ends and polish it in a way the story can be called actually solid. A sequel isn't planned as of right now, but I'd be open to the idea in the future. 
          	Thank you to every reader, silent or not, who gave my story a chance by clicking on it. I'm looking forward to what the future might bring to my fun writing journey! :)
          	Sincerely, Krisha_Grim


@PennyPapers You're welcome! I hope my announcement helps in getting more people to notice some of your works, especially WFMF. :)


Aww, thanks for the shoutout ^_^! It’s been a fun ride! 


@afterdark1108 Hi! Das Buch rennt nicht davon und ich zwinge niemanden, also alles gut und kein Stress. :) Und danke sehr für die Beglückwünschung und das Kompliment! Sehr lieb von dir. <3


Hey, there. Nice to meet you! 
          Sorry for bothering you. I would love it if you check out my book "Trapped in a Mystifying Frictional World" in your spare time ♥
          Have a wonderful day :) 


@Krisha_Grim No problem. I am also a slow reader. So, I can understand :)


            Hi! Nice to meet you as well. 
            Sure, I can do that. Please just know I'm a pretty slow reader, so I might not get to read as often, depending on my real life schedule. Since you're a fellow mystery writer, I'll add your work to my shelf and am looking forward to read it. :) 
            Have a great day as well!


Hey! I'm currently caught up in some judging work but I will definitely come back to your book soon!! ^^


@Ablazeisaleo Hi! That's perfectly alright, I understand. Take as much time as you need! I also have to catch up on some stuff, so I'll do my best to return to Dungeon as soon as I can as well. <3


Thanks for the vote. If you are reading this, then you must have or not heard this warning from Wattpad.
          They were going to delete all of the private messages and conversations on April 30th to May 6th, and maybe forever. If that happens, then we won't be able to talk to anyone, or show them our brand new stories, such as my Skylander stories because they're my favorite.
          Just to let you know...
          Have a great day.


@ Superstar-Wolfgang  
            Hey there!
            Yeah, I saw the notification of PMs getting removed and I'm not really amused about that either, tbh.
            Thanks for reaching out and telling me, though! Let's see what else might change on this website ...
            Sincerely, Krisha_Grim 


Hey there, 
          I'm happy to announce that Lost in Blue's final chapter has dropped just now! It's done and I can mark it as complete! :) 
          Huge thank you to @PennyPapers who's the first to have made it that far into the story and always provided lovely feedback. Thank you! If you haven't, check out  her ONC entry "Lunette" and her cozy fantasy "Where Frost Meets Fire". Those are both books I can recommend and enjoy reading! :)
          Last but not least, I'll probably work on Lost in Blue's editing/rewriting from time to time to tie up some loose ends and polish it in a way the story can be called actually solid. A sequel isn't planned as of right now, but I'd be open to the idea in the future. 
          Thank you to every reader, silent or not, who gave my story a chance by clicking on it. I'm looking forward to what the future might bring to my fun writing journey! :)
          Sincerely, Krisha_Grim


@PennyPapers You're welcome! I hope my announcement helps in getting more people to notice some of your works, especially WFMF. :)


Aww, thanks for the shoutout ^_^! It’s been a fun ride! 


@afterdark1108 Hi! Das Buch rennt nicht davon und ich zwinge niemanden, also alles gut und kein Stress. :) Und danke sehr für die Beglückwünschung und das Kompliment! Sehr lieb von dir. <3


Hey there everyone, 
          I wrote a new short story called “King’s Gambit”. It’ll only have three chapters in total and each day a new one will be released. 
          This one is a rather dark story, so I’d advise you to only click on/read it it if you’re 18+ as it delves into heavier topics. Make sure to check out the trigger warnings in the description. 
          Otherwise, enjoy reading! 
          Sincerely, Krisha_Grim


@Krisha_Grim Englisch ist auch mega schön, aber sehr gerne! 


@afterdark1108 Thank you, dear! ♡ Und nochmal auf Deutsch, weil's so schön ist: Danke sehr! :D


@Krisha_Grim I will read it later. ♡


Hey<3 If ur looking for ways to promote ur book, check out my book Nexus^^And reach out if u have any questions, don't hesitate!


@Krisha_Grim Ofc! Please reach out f u have any questions<3


@LoveofTheCursed Hi! Thanks for the invitation! :) I'm kinda new to this whole promote your book/bookclub thing, so I'll check Nexus out first and I'll make sure to ask questions when I have some.


Hey there! 
          With chapter 14 of 'Lost in Blue' having been released today, we've reached halftime! Fifty percent of the story's done. I still remember putting up the first chapter at the end of 2023. Time sure flies by. 
          The novel is scheduled to meet its end in the beginning of April, so there's still a bit of time left until that journey is over. But, considering it's almost halfway done, I just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who has stuck around until now! Whether you're a silent reader or not, it doesn't matter. Any support is appreciated and quite frankly, makes my day!
          If any of you haven't already, feel free to check 'Lost in Blue' out! :)
          And if you don't want to miss any announcements, feel free to follow me on X as well. 

          Sincerely, Krisha_Grim


@ PennyPapers  Thank you! :)


@Krisha_Grim Nice! Congratulations on reaching the halfway mark!