
I am proud to announce that, as of last night, To Outwit an Angel has become a complete first draft! The book exists in some sort of full format!!! Now, it's on to developmental edits, which Samantha and I will leap right into come next week. For now, we're taking a few days of a much-needed break.
          	Can't wait to share the adventures of these two wild protagonists with you guys!


I am proud to announce that, as of last night, To Outwit an Angel has become a complete first draft! The book exists in some sort of full format!!! Now, it's on to developmental edits, which Samantha and I will leap right into come next week. For now, we're taking a few days of a much-needed break.
          Can't wait to share the adventures of these two wild protagonists with you guys!


Also, I love your theme!!


@MDjarin17 yes, the friendship between them never fails to make Samantha and me smile! (Hence our profile pic). We hope our fics helped your need to get deeper in this rabbit hole!


@LatestParis_Style No problem!! I've quickly spiraled down the POTO rabbit hole in a matter of 3-4 months, and I absolutely love Meg and Christine's friendship. My obsession (not unlike the Phantom's in intensity) is also why I have three phanfics (one being the first in a series) and more planned.


Okay... hi! We're still alive. Things have been chaotic lately, and To Outwit an Angel is definitely behind schedule. There's been some changes in the day-to-day process of writing it, which has slowed me down. Let's just say there's been some changes in leadership and management regarding the project. (No worries, though, Samantha and I are still good!) On top of that, I'm about to plunge into a really busy season that doesn't end until July. All of this is impacting the draft and might push its release into autumn.
          But I should take responsibility for its slow progress too. I'm working on three books at once right now. All of them will inevitably be posted across the internet, but they're very, VERY long-game projects, so that might not be until next year or the one after that. Basically, I've gone into drafting-hermit mode, and I can't honestly declare that TOA has been given a lot of time in the drafting vortex.
           Outside of writing, I'm also contending with finishing up high school and thinking about college. All of this is a (while important!) time suck.
           I haven't touched TOA in about a week, but I am going to try and get back into it this week. I really hope I can. As far as the draft's quality, sure, it's messy, but there's good stuff in there. It can be polished into something worth publishing. That just might take a while.
          Anyway, thanks for hearing out this really long update. We have exciting things in the future. It's just that, in this busy season, it's going to take longer to bring them to you.


@LatestParis_Style Of course!!! My poor ADHD/OCD brain has too many fandoms it loves, which is why I have 11 stories, only one of which is complete. XD


@MDjarin17 Beth and I can't wait to share what we're planning for the future!! Thank you so much for understanding the set back :) 


@LatestParis_Style No worries!! Obviously we all have lives outside of Wattpad, and I can't wait to read what you write in the future!! =)


Heyyy!! I just have a random question, but what are your favorite musicals besides Phantom? And do you plan on writing any other stories that aren’t Phantom related?


@candlesandroses21 Onto your second question!
             Samantha and I still hope to publish 'To Outwit an Angel' this year (though we're running behind schedule, and it's at a minor standstill right now). I'm also tossing around one more Phantom-related story after TOA.
             This is where I really can't speak for Samantha, but I'll speak for myself. LatestParis_Style is just the tip of the iceberg on how much I write, and I definitely divide my time between more fandoms than just Phantom, though those fics are unpublished.
             We may or may not have already created a second account to write fic for another fandom in the future. There's nothing on the account currently. But you can definitely tell it's us by the handle since it also has the Latest(word that starts with P)_Style system of naming. And, since I'm feeling bold, I'll admit the fandom in question is The Hunger Games. Do with that info what you will.
            Aside from fanfic as a whole, I'm actually about 25k words deep into an original novel (maybe the first in a trilogy) that I hope to publish on Wattpad maybe some time next year. The book is set from 1580 to 1581, and it's about a kinda niche historical mystery I've been passionate about for years. But, since the project is still in such early stages, it's hard to say with certainty now when it might be made public.
            Hope that explains a bit about where I'm taking my writerly journey and what to expect from me in the future. Thank you for the awesome questions! (Now I really need to get back to drafting some of that Hunger Games fanfic) ♥️


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@candlesandroses21 Great question! Okay, I don't know how much Samantha wants me to share, but I will risk incurring her wrath to explain a bit. Also, keep in mind, I can only speak for myself, not her.
             As to favorite musicals aside from Phantom, I'm a sucker for nostalgia, so the musicals I watched as a child that sent me down this rabbit hole are very dear to me. (Hairspray, Sound of Music, and Grease immediately come to mind).
             Outside my persona in the LatestParis_Style duo, I also am a huge fan of classic literature (generally public domain), so if there's a musical based on one of my favorite books, yes, I will fangirl over it with every fiber of my being. I love the musicals for Little Women, Jane Eyre, Matilda, and Tuck Everlasting most notably (also so fucking pleased a Great Gatsby musical has debuted).
             Some other random shows I really enjoy that just popped into my head are Cats (it's kind of a guilty pleasure), Legally Blonde, Heathers, and especially Six—all these definitely deserve a mention.
             But I'll listen to just about any musical if you put it in front of me.


Happy leap day! Unrelated: we might have a surprise story coming up early to mid March. Keep an eye on the one shot collection...


@candlesandroses21 I'm happy to report that, on only the third day of drafting, the story has already surpassed 5k words. The story is zipping along, despite me throwing together its outline in, like, five minutes.


It's official: we begin drafting our next fanfic on the first of November, which is today. Currently, it's under the title of 'To Outwit an Angel'. We can't wait to get this thing out to you guys, probably some time midway through 2024.
          -Samantha and Beth


@candlesandroses21 Maybe you're right? Maybe not? I'll never tell. What I can say, though, is that Samantha outdid herself with this cover. I can't wait for its reveal in the closing AWD A/N.


@LatestParis_Style hmmmm. So my only idea currently is something to do with like greek mythology? Because I know fruit is like very important to Greek myths and I’ve been really into it lately but like. Honestly that’s one of the best titles I’ve ever heard. It’s up there with ‘Nerdy Prudes Must Die.’ It’s a musical and it’s amazing.


@candlesandroses21 We plan to add more details in a closing A/N for AWD, but for now, you'll have to contend with vague updates, I'm afraid. One thing I will share now, however, because I think it's funny, is the fic's original working title: papayas are bad omens. I'll let you try to decipher that one.


ONE DAYY MORREEEE (until 'A Woman's Devotion :D)


@candlesandroses21 Dito! Your comments are the best! We can't wait to publish this AWD! We've been polishing it all day and are going absolutely insane with excitement


YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY THE SWEETEST!!!  Your comments always make my day!!! I cannot wait to read it!!




It's official: 'A Woman's Devotion' is coming to you all on October 3rd and will be updated all the way through until December. And, yes, we changed the book's title last-minute. It looked better on Samantha's second cover design, which can now be viewed on the final A/N of 'A Girl's Desire'.  We hope to see you all there!!!


@candlesandroses21 You're our fave reader to interact with! I promise it's equally, if not more, emotional. I cried and I wrote it lol. I hope you have a great day! :)


You guys are literally some of the best writers I've ever gotten the chance to interact with! I am *so* excited to continue the story! I can imagine this story will make me cry as much as 'A Girl's Desire' did.


@candlesandroses21 I can not begin to describe our excitement. We are currently spastic, semi-neurotic messes while trying to put the finishing touches on this too-long disaster sequel, but we know it's going to be amazing when we finally get it out to you.