
Thanks guys! I thought everyone forgot about the book and got busy like me! For the ones who finished their exams, congrats! And I wish you a great holiday. And for the ones who still struggling... let's do our best *cries* it will end eventually, let's do our best, okay? 
          	During this time, I had many plots and ideas for new books, I just need to start writing again *chuckles nervously*
          	As for Miray's book, I already have all the main events ready, again, I just need to start writing.


Thanks guys! I thought everyone forgot about the book and got busy like me! For the ones who finished their exams, congrats! And I wish you a great holiday. And for the ones who still struggling... let's do our best *cries* it will end eventually, let's do our best, okay? 
          During this time, I had many plots and ideas for new books, I just need to start writing again *chuckles nervously*
          As for Miray's book, I already have all the main events ready, again, I just need to start writing.


Hey guys, anyone here?
          You know what happened? I kinda forgot where I was (like the events of the book), and I feel so lazy to read it (my eyes also hurt when I start reading), that's why I'm postponing it... (Besides my studies, I have my final exams next month ugh). 
          Give me some motivation! who wants to read more chapters, or are you all busy as well?


@wiyy25 Guys why are you all soooo nice AAAAAAA


I would wait for the upcoming chapters, if u want to take your time and focus on your studies, u should! Rest a lot and write when u want to love


I'm in love with the book of that's not known already. Take you time. I'll always return to this book. Plus, my exams got over like a months ago. And another competitive exam was on this 15th. I still have so much to study too. I hate exams. 


Heyy Lina!! It's been quite some time huh? Are you okayy?? And how's life treating u gurl?


I'm glad to hear that you're taking a break. It's necessary for all of us to take a break sometimes to get our lives in order. 


@Eddy_Teddy_2005 Hey dear, I'm doing good, just don't know what's happening


How did Miray’s mom die? I know it was during her birth but like what was wrong if you don’t mind me asking.


@FluffyBabyAngel Oh hi love, I just saw the msg, she had a heart problem, and she actually was advised not to get pregnant but she didn't want to get rid of her baby and continued with the pregnancy...


Another chapter is coming, who's still here??


@Lina-Rey  *returns the hug* ❤️❤️


@Aisha913 LOVE YOU! Thanks guys! @Cassie_1247 too!


Hi lovelies, I'm here, I'm writing the next chapter, so stay tuned <3
          The thing is, when I'm feeling down and sad, I try not to write because I will definitely write something depressing, and it may change the whole story... So I wait until I feel better to write at least something better.
          How are you all? Anyone here?


@Lina-Rey Heyyy.. Take care of urself first..Self mental health always comes first.. <333


@Lina-Rey Hi bby. Uni has been kicking my ass. I'm trying my best but I can't get the grade I want. Plus my "friends" only like me because I take their bs with a smile on my face.
            I hope you're doing better than me though 


@Lina-Rey  hii Lina how are you?? I hope you are okk now!! Don't put so much pressure on yourself.


Lina are you alright, dear ?


@BDot56 No worries dear. I'm glad I could be of any help to you. 


@BDot56 I hold this message so dear, and I keep coming back to read it again and again. Thank you so much for taking the time to right it, it was really needed Tya


@BDot56 Lina, take as much time as you want. You can write books after a month too and people would still love it as much. Take care of yourself and find your recovery period. And I hope that your dearest person also have a good recovery and lead a healthy and peaceful life. 
            I am not a doctor but I would recommend you to prioritize your own health right now. Keep a schedule for sleep timing and follow it rigorously, be there for the person while also making sure you keep your mental health safe and sound. Because at the end of the day, if you are happy and healthy, the person can lean on you for support regardless of age and gender. 
            I have come to love your writing style and book and now your kind nature too. I inspire  to be like you someday. 
            And yes, I would love to be called Tya. 
            Be healthy dear. Life gives rough times and you need to face it headstrong. Believe me, even if you are feeling like a mess now, give yourself time and with that you'll notice your ownself adapting to the situation. Give yourself a pat on the back too. Not everyone can find their own fault and try to feel better. You've already passed a huge step. 