
I want to read All the right things to do , but I was wondering if this is a series of like 5 books since I'm seeing there is a list ? , or just the one that includes Draco's pov is attached to that one and the other books works separately but under one ERA ATT ?


I've read a lot of dramione (Draco and Hermione) fanfictions but the auction is the best one I've read. I can't describe how good it is. I couldn't find it on wattpad so I followed the link and I'm currently still reading it but what I've read so far is just amazing. I just love it.


Can 'The Auction' be read as a stand alone? Ik that it's the 3rd part but I started reading it and I haven't yet read TRTTD or ATRT.


@roxaephilip yeah, you can read it as a stand-alone. i read the auction first and only then moved on to all the right thing to do. it’s totally fine.