
So I updated A will of a Giant chapter 8 'Down with the sickness' . I just wanted to add one thing, but ended up with another 1000 words and rewriting most of the second half... soooo... the fluff took over. Nearly cried at one point. Read at own risk. Kay, love you guys. Peace out.

Artemis2710 Oi Luckyunicornsparkle   eu tenho um canal chamado otaku sugestões que fala sobre animes mangás react fanfic Crossovers e rap geek e no meu último vídeo falei sobre sua fic 30 anos antes gostaria que fosse dar uma olhada se possível e se inscrever e recomendar caso goste o link no início da mensagem é o do vídeo beijo otakus


Hello everyone that can see this.. I’m lucky’s friend and technically manager of this account. I come here to say that they are taking a break for mental health reasons so please be patient and don’t nag them into updating their fics.


@MadddHatterBitch okie, noted. Btw pls tell her to take her time and I hope she's doing fine. Mental health matters and I wish she copes well. Tell her to don't worry and we readers will wait patiently for her comeback when all's well!^ ^