
this message may be offensive
I hate people who are like “drink more water” to all your problems.
          	You have acne? Drink more water.
          	You’re sick? Drink more water 
          	You have a headache? Drink more water 
          	Your goldfish died? Drink more fucking water 
          	Your dad never came back with the milk? Drink more water!
          	Your boyfriend cheated on you for a woman twice your age? Drink.more.fucking.water.
          	Bitch be fr ain’t no amount of water gonna fix that bitch ass personality…drowning might.


My father be like 


@luna_looney1 I bet they need more water


this message may be offensive
I hate people who are like “drink more water” to all your problems.
          You have acne? Drink more water.
          You’re sick? Drink more water 
          You have a headache? Drink more water 
          Your goldfish died? Drink more fucking water 
          Your dad never came back with the milk? Drink more water!
          Your boyfriend cheated on you for a woman twice your age? Drink.more.fucking.water.
          Bitch be fr ain’t no amount of water gonna fix that bitch ass personality…drowning might.


My father be like 


@luna_looney1 I bet they need more water


Guess who’s exams are over and they’re free till July!!!
          But I have a lot to do, voluntary stuff.
          I’m back babes <33
          Handwriting reveal coming soon 


I am so happy that I found a fellow Enola Holmes fan!!! I also really like agggtm, though I'm only on the second book.


It's nice to meet you too!


Oh hii, yes I love Enola homes and I’m on the second book too, left off for a bit. It’s so nice to meet you!!


this message may be offensive
Hiiii how are you? Just wanted to say bruh I finally understand love triangles like tell me how the fuck do I choose bro? I'm gonna cry (:


@Lyra_Nightshade thank you I love you too, I'm all 100% single and neither of these guys know that I EXIST, and I do not like them or I'm kinda leaning into liking one guy but it's all so confusing cause other one is maybe a safer option, idk, I choose but like everyone is saying "if it doesn't work out then this other" but that sounds so cruel to that guy and I don't want to like go for him then and what if that works out and we get married and you just have to say "yeah you were my second choice" no, it's so confusing but like I choose and yet I'm probably going to be single forever and I'm talking about nothing cause they LITERALLY don't know I exist great isn't it?


@Eeyoremylove @m00nlight_Latte damn, y’all are both gorgeous people inside and out and I ily both so by denying it you’re questioning my love for u so politely stfu and accept it.
            Also the thing about live triangles is, neither matter because if they did you wouldn’t think of a second choice. Or maybe one of them matters and the other is just for entertainment (if you’re feeling chaotic). I love them because one of them always ends up being better somehow, anyways you’re free and happy, enjoy the drama and stop crying, it’s what I do, settling is too boring and that’s why I’m single. <333


Finally at three hundred, wow.
          Should I do a reveal? Something simple like handwriting or something?
          Leave suggestions and thank you <333


Ooh congrats, well deserved!


@Lyra_Nightshade yesssss, congratulations ♡♡