
I read Kindred when you were first writing it.  I also read all your personal notes and hope you are well.  I reread Kindred this week, an amazing story, heartbreaking but so worth reading.  Loved it just as much the second time.  I truly hope you are doing ok and have not stopped writing.  Please post if you will be completing Deceit.  It just doesn't seem fair to that family to end it like that.  They need revenge.


I don't know what's exactly that happened to you but wherever you are i hope you're okey and safe 
          I liked your story kindred although i felt a bit sad at the end 
          But anyway i hope you update us about wether you're fine I'm a bit worried 


Hey Author Idk If you're okay but I Hope You're doing well! I just want to say I couldn't Support the sequel As I'm Much of a Coward to read that Book after Knowing the end. this didn't help the fact that I have a big brother who lives away from me and Every I read something like this I Miss Him More so Yeah I pray for your Health Both emotional and Physical one. Keep Going