
Like I told everywhere else I'm present. Had to say goodbye to our cat today. She was suffering from liver failure and thought it was the best option for her. Her name is Lady. We love her so much and always will. We're all going to miss her so much. For the past few years, she practically lived in my room, and I see her everywhere I look. Fighting so hard to keep myself from crying all of the time. Maybe I should let it all out. Might be the best to do right now. I love you, Lady. We all do.


My favorite character in rwby is Blake belladonna


I mean have you seen the images of ruby and Blake Damn their thicc


@lapidot666 Whoa... that's quite the question to just ask. Out of everything to come out as a response, I wasn't expecting that. But...


If given the chance would you have sex with Blake and ruby ?


U still active or alive 


@shadow_ceris2 I'm going to assume that you didn't mean to @ yourself. Sure, go ahead.


Like I told everywhere else I'm present. Had to say goodbye to our cat today. She was suffering from liver failure and thought it was the best option for her. Her name is Lady. We love her so much and always will. We're all going to miss her so much. For the past few years, she practically lived in my room, and I see her everywhere I look. Fighting so hard to keep myself from crying all of the time. Maybe I should let it all out. Might be the best to do right now. I love you, Lady. We all do.


I know I don't really update my stories all too often nowadays, or if anybody really cares, but I  want to make this work so bad. My dream, ever since I started writing, was to eventually have one of my stories make it big. Whether that be here on Wattpad or somewhere else. I'd prefer here. This is the first place I started writing. Feel kind of connected to it in that way. I feel like I've grown personally as a writer, even if I've either stupidly deleted to write new versions or have just completely hidden my older stories, so I can't prove it. But this just means so much to me. And believe me, the last thing I'm writing this for is sympathy. I'm just putting this out there for those who do care and read. I'm not giving up or quitting. Just trying to push myself to actually write more. Like I said, I want this to work. I want to get my stories and ideas out there. I would love to have one of them turn into a movie or show, and I would even love if one got animated. And I know everybody says that. The wanting to succeed part, not the stuff about the shows and movies. But I just sit here and constantly think about my stories. Ideas are constantly flowing for them, I just don't commit to writing them. I want that to change. It will change. Nothing will stop me from completing my current stories and writing new ones. Just might have to find new means to focus on writing them. Probably listening to music or something, I don't know. But I just want you to know, if you've read this far, this is one of the places I call home. I'm not going anywhere. If you did read this far, thanks for following me. And if you're not followed, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this unit of an essay. It really does mean a lot. Guess there's just one thing left to say. Time to make this work. 


            I know the feeling and relate entirely. The only difference on my end is that I'm focusing more on YouTube as a means of making a career to survive, that's mostly what's stalled my progress here. 
            I do need to get back into reading, as I seriouslt enjoy your stories but haven't had much time to read between daily life, YouTube life, and keeping up with my own stories, but you've got yourself one loyal follower until the end right here. Best wishes dude!


I've been trying to get back into writing for a while. I feel like I've been inching my way back into it slowly. Hopefully I can get back to posting chapters and stories regularly again. Return to my glory days when I used to push out chapter after chapter.