
i really hope you find the time, motivation and inspiration to COMPLETE your story 'The Godmother And The Crown Prince'. I prefer to read finished books/stories so there is no waiting and if i'm really engrossed, I can just binge read. this storyline seems very creatively unique which makes it all the more appealing. i know it has been quite a while since you've updates it, but I hope you will return to it and will save in my library with eager anticipation (but no pressure!).
          Happy writing


I really loved princess on the loose (just finished reading it) it was soo cute and i read it in one day cause i could not stop! You did an amazing job and are very talented!
          The best Wishes, Elena 


Thank you Elena! ❤️


I love the story, princess on the loose.
          But, can you continue to update the new version, because I am really looking forward to reading it .


Yess! Working on it! Just really busy atm. Maybe around November I’ll update :D


I have been in love with your book "princess on the loose" the moment I read or rather should I say , the moment I started reading it. I have read it multiple times already and I don't re-read.
          The book has become my comfort read. I keep going back to it. I would like to know Maya if you are thinking about publishing it . I would really really love to have a copy for myself. 


@Yanisha16 Thank you! <3 I'm so glad it has become a comfort read for you. I'm honored. As for publishing, I'm still currently working on it. Will make an announcement once it's done. :D


I read POTL and the the new sample version but I fell in love with the first version I don’t care what anyone says  at times it’s good to have something to yourself and make sure every one knows, I also just finished reading POTR,you are an amazing writer.Hope to read more of your works


Thank youuu ❤️❤️❤️