
Hey readers, so I've been busy these last few days and haven't had a chance to write like I normally do. Only two chapters will be coming out today and hopefully next week 3 will be out.


Quick question if you had done an naruto fem oc yuri pairing who would you pair her with( Sakura, Ino, tenten, temari, Karin, samui, karui, kin, kurotsuchi, fu(7 tails), or yugito Nii)
          And what would be her element- wind, water, earth, lightning, Ice, sand, crystal, lava, fire , or wood


Personally I’d do hinata and not sure on style


Hey would you consider in u.a high little kitsune fem oc x eri for a yuri pairing because their the same age and want not or is the fem oc older than eri ?


Of course I am not saying you shouldn’t finish your first my hero academia story as you should finish that before doing the sequel with the oc fem x eri story and their journey of becoming heroes


@TigerBoss30 I wouldn’t mind doing that but first I feel like I should finish out MHA.


Ok so will you do like a sequel where the oc fem and eri are a little older and go to u.a high school themselves for real and learn how to be heroes and be lovey dovey in that story


Hey quick question does  u.a high little kitsune have a yuri pairing and does a slime Neko daughter have a yuri pairing too like fairy tail x water dragon slayer does with the oc fem x wendy


@TigerBoss30 Thanks for asking. In my MHA story there were some ideas floating around of the reader eventually getting together with someone, but that would be much later. Whereas I hadn’t planned anything for Slime mostly cause there aren’t too many characters for the reader to get with right off the bat.


How you doing?
          I'm currently reading That time I got reincarnated as a slime LIGHT NOVEL and oh dear God, rimuru is so freaking different its actually crazy
          You should read it! I read it from the Archive website, of course, you don't have to, the volumes are so LONG its like 4-6 episodes and more in one volume! Possibly, maybe, you should do a story based the Ln, which of course you don't have to, just giving you some ideas for future >v<


Do you do requests??


@JuicyJuicy589 thanks, I do my best to make everyone smile and enjoy them.


@JuicyJuicy589 okay thank you  love your books by the way they are golden 


I’m sorry to say this but don’t do requests. That last one I had was a bad experience and if I did a request i have some guidelines for people to follow.


Hey readers/writers, so I've been looking into improving my writing and need some help if you can give it. If possible, I'd like to get some feedback on my story, True Loyalty. I'm looking to improve my characters so I can make them more real/convincing. If you have some extra time or want to offer me some critiques on how I could improve, I would appreciate it. And for those of you who have followed recently and haven't seen my original story, please go check out True Loyalty and let me know what you think about it.


I literally just got here and already love your stories! I could read them for hours and hours without needing anything else to entertain me, thanks for the amazing content!❤️❤️


@LyxanderLopez I’m so happy to hear that! It makes me smile and happy to know that someone loves my stories.