
Hey guys, I just uploaded a Red White and Royal Blue fan fic if you're interested. Happy Pride Month!! :D


Hello I really like the story where Keith turned into a child and the part he was sleeping peacefully on the Shiro chest. I got some ideas or inspiration for new stories if you want to take a look, my book is called Giving Ideas for people who want some ideas for new stories.


I read all 3 bart allen books in your account and I hope you write more cause I can't find others like yours!


Omg really!? I can't wait to read them! And thank you for replying to my comment!


@Dwarfy13 I'm glad you like them! I do have some others in the works


Hey guys, today I posted the first chapter of a new Les Mis fic. I know it's a little different than what I usually upload, but I wanted to mix it up. I'd really appreciate it if you all checked it out, and let me know what you think. It's called On His Own. I'll be updating every weekend, so if you like it, make sure to come back. Thanks again, you guys are the best! :)