
this message may be offensive
Hi! So I figured I would come and say that goddamn these books are running me ragged. I alternate between actually writing and just reading my own books. I’ve decided to rewrite/ make a final draft of Swords of Isadren because I think my own writing style has changed even over the few years that SOI’s been posted. There are two more books planned for the series and both of them are about 1/3 written. I have a lot of other stories that I’ve been working on but I’m trying really hard to stay focused on those three since they have the most promise.
          	I really appreciate all the kind words that everyone’s said about the books even though they aren’t their best versions yet. I will be trying to respond to more comments and messages in the future but my ass works and a bitch don’t got time for fun. 
          	Thank you and with much love, 


@MorganicEgg I'm so glad that you're still writing ! I love your books and have just added your last book to my library .
          	  I look forward to starting that journey and falling in love with new characters! Thank you for sharing your hard work ❤️


this message may be offensive
Hi! So I figured I would come and say that goddamn these books are running me ragged. I alternate between actually writing and just reading my own books. I’ve decided to rewrite/ make a final draft of Swords of Isadren because I think my own writing style has changed even over the few years that SOI’s been posted. There are two more books planned for the series and both of them are about 1/3 written. I have a lot of other stories that I’ve been working on but I’m trying really hard to stay focused on those three since they have the most promise.
          I really appreciate all the kind words that everyone’s said about the books even though they aren’t their best versions yet. I will be trying to respond to more comments and messages in the future but my ass works and a bitch don’t got time for fun. 
          Thank you and with much love, 


@MorganicEgg I'm so glad that you're still writing ! I love your books and have just added your last book to my library .
            I look forward to starting that journey and falling in love with new characters! Thank you for sharing your hard work ❤️


The Becoming of Lune is the last of your published stories I have yet to read. I have had it in my library for a while, saving it for a Pick-me-up when desperate for a good read and will happily add any of your future works to my list. Thank you for sharing! 


Skuldalio!(sorry I couldn't find the little dash thing to make it right! Also I want sure if the last letter was an o or a strangely slanted d!) Anyway, amazing story!! Honestly loved it and the fact that it kinda had their whole lifetime all the way to the end of the book was awesome, not all books have that(not that they have to tho either, it was just nice that this one did!) and I was glad to see that!! Oh, and this comment is here cause the comments section(s) aren't working in the books right now it is! Anyway, great job auth!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️5 rounds of applause!!!


Hey guys! I just wanted to talk about my plans for the second Swords of Isadren book. I might have started a second and wrote half a chapter but that’s besides the point . I realize it’s been like a year and a half since I posted SOI but I’m working on it! The new book is a different couple and won’t really involve my babies Niallen and Asman in the beginning but I’m still working through what I want to happen. 
          It was supposed to be an entirely different world but I said F it and decided it’s going to be set off the coast of Felias and Sedrey. I’m enjoying writing this one and hopefully I’ll have it done within a few months since I’m already five chapters in and that’s when I really start going for it. 
          Hope y’all are still interested in a sequel and thank you for all the kind messages and comments! Love you all! ❤️❤️❤️


@MorganicEgg I would enjoy a second book. I enjoyed Swords. I also really enjoyed Sulkadid. (Spelling??) Thank you for writing.


@MorganicEgg I just finished Swords of Isadren and already can't wait for the second!! 


I finally finished a new book called Teeth and Talon. To be honest, I had been writing that book for a couple years and it feels good to finally be done with it. I rewrote it two times because the story just didn’t flow after a while, but it’s done thankfully. 
          The story isn’t my favorite, but it is one of them. I got bored with it easily and so I took a long break of writing it. Even then, I think it picked up at the end and is still a good book. 
          Still no movement on the SOI sequel and I don’t know if there ever will be any. I’m not sure I can make a whole book out of the plot I have planned but oh well.
           I should be finishing another story that is wildly different from my previous ones soon. Maybe a couple months if that. 
          Check out Teeth and Talon for some cool ass dragons and some nice trauma recovery!