
If you’re looking for some great short stories to pass the time while waiting in the Dr. office, mechanic shop, or on queue in the DMV – check out this fun collection!


This week has been fabulous in terms of affirming that my writing skills are improving. Couldn’t happen at a better time, as I’ve been pretty unmotivated lately. The short story I submitted to The Bookshop’s Photo Prompt “Find The Body” contest was a winner. You can read it below. 
          Also, my Open Novella Contest Submission (The Names Kharma, Miss Reaper if You’re Nasty) has made it through the 3rd round and is Long Listed!  Thanks for all the amazing support!


Well, I just published the chapter that took me to just over 20k words for my 2019 @OpenNovellaContest submission. 
          I ended up really liking this story and think I might extend it for a few more chapters post the contest. If you like it, and would be interested in more Kharma, Lucifer, Jane, and Matthew, I’d love to hear from you.
          Thanks again for the support! 


@Morrigana89 just saw this, but hell yeah I’d be interested!


This feels like a big deal to me (so if it’s not, can you wait a day or two to burst my bubble?). My ONC submission was chosen as an Ambassador Pick for 2019! 


@Morrigana89 congratulations love ❤❤


I’ve found a little inspiration the last couple of days and finished a submission for The Bookshop’s latest Photo Prompt Contest: Finding the Body. Be warned, this hasn’t gone through the intense review process, so the story will likely change (for the better).
          If you haven’t participated in @The_Bookshop contests yet, you should. The reviews you get are beyond valuable.


I’m excited to say that my Open Novella submission made it to the third round! I’m also a little intimidated about banging out another 12k words in less than three weeks, especially since I’m not completely sure where the story is leading 
          Anyway, thanks for any support you throw towards the story! After all, what good is making the cut if no one wants to read it? 


Hey there,
          Thanks for the follow :D It is much appreciated.
          I don't know from where I have seen your user-name, but it looks familiar... have we ever interacted in the comment section of someone's book?
          I loved the description of your "Kharma" book, I will read that one soon. I have high expectations for it ^_^


@Morrigana89 And thank you for adding my books to your reading list :D I hope they are to your taste. I try to write dark fiction


@Morrigana89 If you are friends with Clayton we probably interacted in 
            'Netflix and chill' or the second instalment :D
            It's always nice to have new friends. Look forward to my comments in your book soon


No problem, I was actually surprised I hadn’t followed you yet. I’m friends with Dark Writes (Clayton Chandler) and I always love your comments!