
So I've been getting some questions about the Lycan Series and the Gentlemen's Game Series and the truth that I've been denying for a really long time is that I am so burnt out from world-building. Everytime I write a chapter, I reread it and just delete everything because I don't feel like it'll live up to the standards that I had when I was in high school writing Lycan- back when I had days and weeks to pour my heart into building multiple complex characters and far fetch storylines. I don't ever want to put anything subpar out for you guys. I want to put my best foot forward and make you proud of the journey these characters go through, but I fear that it will be a while until I can get back into original works. Earliest will be Christmas break of this year. I've been practicing my writing (since it's been so long) by doing Harry Potter fanfiction (Arithmancy & Alchemy and Thorns & Venom), so that when I return to the Lycan Series (specifically the end of Lovers and Legacy) you guys will get the top tier content you have been so patient for.


@NatasjaSilver I hope you're doing well now ❤️


@NatasjaSilver oh i really hope you're okay and are able to get back to these stories, i would hate for them to be left unfinished like this but know that anything you can put out would be perfectly okay, nothing has to be amazing, but also hope you feel better.


@NatasjaSilver really hope u will complete these books I love your books and seeing when last u posted makes me wonder if you are planning on finishing up the books I hope u doing fine with covid still not over please let us know it would be greatly appreciated from a big fan 


Hey there!  I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself – I'm a newbie writer on Wattpad, and I just posted my first book! ✨ It's been an exciting journey so far, and I'd love it if you could check it out and be a part of my writing adventure. 


So I first read the Lycan series like 4 years ago and I make it a point to re-read it once a year. I wish I could un-read it just to be able to read it all over again for the first time. I love your writing! 


I haven’t been active in so long and it honestly makes me so happy to hear this. I wrote that series when I was in high school and really lost passion for writing. I’m hoping to get back to it soon!


Will u be finishing the Lux book anytime soon.. I couldn’t even sleep.. so eager to see how this is gonna end..


Honestly have no idea, I haven’t been writing for a few years now I feel like I’ve outgrown the stories my high school self wrote. Who knows though, maybe I’ll get over this 5 year writer’s block?


Hi dear,.
          Just completed 2 books of Lycan series and believe me they are amazing... You are an fantastic writer.
          Believe in your self n start writing again.... We are all with you... 
          God bless you


Omg, this is such a great thing to hear. I’m gonna work hard to try and become a better writer for you guys 