
Does anyone watch The Rookie…? If you do you might be interest to know Im writing a fanfic centered around Angels and Wesley, it’s an age regression/domesticdiciplin fic, im hopping to have it published within the next two months:)


Hi I loved you book nighty boys get punished 
          I really couldn't find any other like it 
          Could u pretty pls update a few more chapters or suggest some other books like that


@NoahNamjoon thank u for taking out of your busy schedule for my request 


I can write a few more chapters but it might take a minute, since I do work two jobs and school atm I’m so busy so whenever I have time


Hey loves. I'm re-writing faking, since i did start the story when I was twelve and I am now sixteen and have much better writing skills, and I just cringe when I read faking but I love the plot so. Im pulling an all nighter, love ya