
Quick updates!
          	For my Naruto fans, I will be updating An Unexpected Love on Monday! 
          	For my Twilight fans, I am working on the Jasper love story so that it is ready to read soon! I'm thinking I'm going to publish it this summer! I might release the first 4 or 5 chapters early because they are done and are my oc's life before she meets Jasper. Also, I'd love to know who you want a love story for next! I really want to do another story focused on the shifters, so let me know!
          	Lastly, if you have any suggestions for fanfics to read, that would be amazing because I'm running low! It can be Twilight, anime related, Hunger Games, etc. Just something to hold me over until I can go in-depth searching again.
          	Stay Awesome!


@Akira_Uchiha21 I'm not sure! Right now my mind is on finishing my Gaara series, but it could be possibility in the future :)


@NotDeadYet16 I just started reading your Naruto book. However was curious on if you ever thought about making an love story for one of the Sannin.


Quick updates!
          For my Naruto fans, I will be updating An Unexpected Love on Monday! 
          For my Twilight fans, I am working on the Jasper love story so that it is ready to read soon! I'm thinking I'm going to publish it this summer! I might release the first 4 or 5 chapters early because they are done and are my oc's life before she meets Jasper. Also, I'd love to know who you want a love story for next! I really want to do another story focused on the shifters, so let me know!
          Lastly, if you have any suggestions for fanfics to read, that would be amazing because I'm running low! It can be Twilight, anime related, Hunger Games, etc. Just something to hold me over until I can go in-depth searching again.
          Stay Awesome!


@Akira_Uchiha21 I'm not sure! Right now my mind is on finishing my Gaara series, but it could be possibility in the future :)


@NotDeadYet16 I just started reading your Naruto book. However was curious on if you ever thought about making an love story for one of the Sannin.


Wanted to know will u ever venture out and continue on with The Right Swan?  I mean like since they’ve been together for 4 years and are getting married will you make another book start in there. Or rather breaking dawn part 1 where’s (Bella) is trying on the heels she needs to wear on her wedding day besides Alice? I’d love to see them with a kid. And I also love how u didn’t incorporate Jacob being an obsessive person. And ridding is of Bella! 


I totally understand! Just wanted to say it was a very great read!!! And that sounds nice to see what they future holds if u ever do go back to it! 


@AylaF21 I'm not sure. As of now, I'm done with it, but sometimes I like to go back to old stories, so I might do like quick one shots of what their life would look like


Are you going to update The Right Swan?


Cool!! Thanks. 


@Danielle12379 The story is actually complete! I think I forgot to check the complete box for the story when I finished it, but yeah the story is completely done


Hey everyone!
          No update today and probably not this week either. But I made a survey and wanted to get all of your input with it. I want to make a story with a chubby/fat character to be more inclusive of my own body type and other body types, but I'm not sure if it should be an x reader or what universe it should be set in. You can follow this link and it'll take you to the survey!


I'm in a really bad headspace right now, so I won't be updating this week. I will definitely update next week, but I'm so depressed and mentally exhausted right now that I can't motivate myself to write right now


@NotDeadYet16  Its okay take you time with it . Love your books by the way 