
Just posted ch.1 of As Oleander Blooms! Hope you read and love it <3 



Just finished reading emerald and I'm in love with the story and all the characters. Your way of story telling and the way you explained the characters I just loved it. I'm glad that I came across this book in Wattpad. Thank you for writing this book for us. Can't wait to share this story with my friends.
          I wish every girl will get a husband like Adam. And every guy will get a wife like Leen.
          I wish I could get an Adam in my life.


Just finished reading Emeralds, and MashaAllah, I loved it!! Thank you so much for putting such a great piece of work out there for us all to enjoy! It truly was a story well written - a story that makes you feel emotion always is! Will definitely come back to reread xx


How beautiful is it that the same God that created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too?
          God never make mistakes, and God knows our capabilities more then us then who are we to deny that we cant go through something?
          We are all here for a reason, so lets find our reason and let us try to make this world a better place!
          Stay Strong 
          Take care 
          Keep smiling!