
It's official that I am one of the people chosen to join the RSCT or Reserve Summer Camp Training....
          	Anyways i just want you all to know that i wouldn't be able to use my phone by May 25 onward.
          	But i will try to publish as much as i can before then.


@NullAzatoth ok after your back can ya make a reaction on a different ending I have been waiting for a year now


It's official that I am one of the people chosen to join the RSCT or Reserve Summer Camp Training....
          Anyways i just want you all to know that i wouldn't be able to use my phone by May 25 onward.
          But i will try to publish as much as i can before then.


@NullAzatoth ok after your back can ya make a reaction on a different ending I have been waiting for a year now


Next week is our graduation for our ROTC.
          I miraculously got picked to join the RSCT of our unit, it will be conducted in 28 days and an extra 2 weeks.
          I can't use the phone there by the way so you understand why I'm announcing this.
          Of course the possibility of me quitting from the difficulty is present, either way i wouldn't be able to publish anything by May 26 onwards, our rsct will be conducted in july and by the end of june I'll start publishing again.
          See you in 2 Months 


@NullAzatoth though it's quite a bummer since you'll be out for 2 months without updating. But, good luck with the training.


@NullAzatoth well it would allow him to be a reserved officer in the armed forces depending on his branch and if lucky he would be prioritized in case he decided to walk the path of a soldier.