
          1.) A couple because it's Ferard.
          2.) Gee 15 or 16 and Frank 16 or 17?
          3.) I'm picturing Revenge Gee and Danger Days Frank with the shoulder length hair. (I loved when he looked like that lol.)
          4.) Honestly, I don't care 
          5.) Whatever goes best with the storyline you have in mind :)


@Nico9988 glad someone else agrees  that's why I'm not quite particularly fond of the holidays...but I try to keep in high spirits. But again, don't worry about the last time we spoke. I apologize for that and I'm just glad that's water under the bridge now. I'll try to have more chapters for I Am Alive updated soon, and remember to just take it easy and focus on yourself before you gather up enough strength to write again.