
Hi I know the last time you spoke about writing Brooke and Cade stories you could since it would take to much time with your busy schedule, but I would love to read more of your stories and I would like to hear from you. You don’t owe me anything or anyone I just wanted to know I’d still love to hear your stories cause your really creative and from the messages I’ve seen your really nice. 


Hey so when are you going to write more cade and Brooke stories and are you publishing books anywhere else.


@Omorashi wow your busy, no suggestions really, I just really love your work, I love how realistic it is


@KateButler9 I work full time, am in school, and I also play hockey. So unfortunately I just don't have a lot of time to write anymore. Plus I am having trouble coming up with fresh Brooke and Cade content. But suggestions are always welcome! 


Not to be impose on what your doing, but I am confused why did you erase all the stories. I know your probably doing something and it’s a lot to ask but could you post Brooke and Cade stories. Don’t feel obligated or any pressure your one of my favorite writers and wish more people wrote stuff like that. Anyway thank you and I hope your doing well


im in love with the brooke and cade series even the one shots are fantastic i hope you choose to continue them one day just know you have so many supporters that will be thrilled and show their shared love for the series, thank you and keep up the amazing work, stay safe.


@Felia468 Hi! So the reason I took them down is because someone I know in person found the profile and I just wasn't comfortable with them reading my work. It's been long enough I will re-publish them all now. :) Thank you for the sweet message! 


Hey I love your book with the different shorts do you think you could do some more like that?


Oh really! I haven’t seen it yet on my way to read it now!


@Lexi652 Thank you! I will try to get some new ones out soon. I just published a short story last week if you wanted to check that out in the mean time. :)


Your stories are amazing, in case no one has told you that recently. I’m not much of a writer but I love stories like theses and I wish could see more on this app or anywhere I guess. So thank you and if you ever need inspiration for another story idea or Cade And Brooke, I got tons. Anyway thank you and have a good day


I love it ! I think it might be one my favorites. Thank you, your stuff is good I just wanted let you know.  Hope you have a good rest of a day


@Felia468 Check out my latest story? :)


@Felia468 I always need new ideas! Thank you for the kind message! 