
Thank you for all the birthday wishes and heartwarming messages! Yesterday was a truly special day in my heart. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to continue the tradition of bday QNAs but I will be active in our discord server later today. You are welcome to join and chat with other readers and occasionally, chat with me in the Dual Kingdom! 
          	(I still haven't figured out the link system so Keii, or anyone else, if you would like to do the honours T_T)


@OnyxxCrow HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 'm sorry I'm super late


@OnyxxCrow Happy Late B Day! Im sorry Im very late DX


@OnyxxCrow Hold on- your birthday is on the 19th of april...
          	  mine was two days ago...
          	  we have close birthdays :)


I just realized there are so many Russia head cannons and barely any America ones. I rlly wanna know more about America. :(


don't we know that Ame was strapped in that white room when his ability has gotten out of control (don't remember which chapter somewhere in the first half got it hinted at), confederation is sort of something reincarnated, the onion took care of Ame for a while (I think), he seems to know RE, he knows LON and thinks he's a lunatic (obv) and I think something Ame got experimented on(if I remember right from that one flashback) and he obv took part in WW2 and the landing of the allies in the Normandy (I think)?


@Mikaliran I prob need to do a big reread to understand Ame's past or smth because his past is pretty complicated. But yeah keep up with the great ideas!


Honestly, I agree. Ame's past is pretty complicated and there are many things we don't know yet. Also, how do you get so many great ideas??? Like gimmeee(๑•̀д•́๑)


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I just thought of the vilest shit my high mind has ever thought of. It starts of with rus, ame and a couple other branchmates from the central, they're in a skating rink alright(definitely didn't think of that because I was definitely not watching yuri on ice) then when rus is skating, he gets hit in the head by someone who despise him(there's plenty SMH.. ) then gets a lovely concussion. Yeah that's it. Literally. 
          (Bonus) ame beats the shit outta them)


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Hi I'm here again cuz people love my headcannons 
          And yea I need to talk about Russia more BECAUSE. Just because.
          So it's really sad that most people would think he acts cold just to scare people or it's like a fake smile to him but in truth he never got to experience emotions. Most of them, at least. I mean, just listen for a sec and you'll see this makes sense
          So firstly, he doesn't remember his first 10 years of life. Childhood. When he learns most about emotions.
          Then, when he's with his siblings, he can't be weak or uncertain. He has to be optimistic despite his anxieties so that his siblings will be safe, or at least think they are.
          He never voiced his own troubles since he had to take care of others'. I mean, being the oldest out of 15-
          Then, of course, there was his first awakening, the most traumatic event of his life.
          Then my headcannon is that there was this 'Project last permafrost' thingie where they forced him to use his awakening, and like NASA said, his brain made him forget it. All those 5 years or less.
          The,  when he's a studen, he's obviously expected to know his emotions and use them normally. But he doesn't. He can't.
          Then he adapted to it, and now it's his mindset.
          Also I think that because one of the first sentences he heard when his siblings found him (his first memory, too) was ''Don't cry'' he took it deep and way too seriously. He also probably remembered what happened at the prologue, when his tears almost frose his whole face, so he learned from that, I guess.
          So yea don't you fucking criticize him for being cold his whole life is just uncertainty and trauma 




@Mikaliran Welcome back to the both of us. Also, poor Russ if that's the case.


Hey so idk which of u guys remember the convo I made about why rus would be a good actor but now I thought about it and I came up with the idea that the wwms characters are making a performance or something and the plot is like around ame, who's unsurprisingly the main character, having to deal with some sort of battle and the others are giving him advice or smth like that.
          So there's Germany who's teaching him about the wisdom that he always has within him and then there's Poland telling him to always get back up when he falls and then Canada telling him he's not alone and he always has somebody to fight with and finally ame is tired and he can't learn the lessons. Then Russia comes and teaches him that he doesn't need some superpowers or other people skills like Germany's wisdom, Poland's strength, or Canada's compassion to be strong.
          He says ''You have two feet to walk, two eyes to see, two ears to hear, the strength to keep walking and the soul to do so. You don't need anything but body, heart and mind to keep going. You don't need to fly, or see everything. You just need to feel your next step.''
          And then when his battle comes he uses the advise or something idk
          So yea feel free to play with that scene idea
          and ya'll always welcome to use my headcannons
          (The battle he's dealing with is physical, but the moral of the story is the mental battle and lessons he learned, rather than the scars he had earned.)


@ Eli_Jah_Watt  thanks
            Let's hope I survive 


@Mikaliran Sad TnT. Issok tho, hope you have fun!


@ Eli_Jah_Watt  yeap
            But I do warn u that the day after tomorrow I have a two days field trip so I can't write any headcannons there


Wait, actually. What happens to fin, rus, ame and can bcz last I remember they went past this one guy who definitely doesn't get paid enough I can guess but what happens... everytime I try to think of smth jts always that they ALL die or one does(rus)


@ Carmei-Maxie  yeees we need a new chapter to see what happens AHHHHHHH 


When you think about it, poor ruski
          I mean no wonder he's emotionless he doesn't remember the time in his life when he learns about feelings and how to handle them
          Like bro doesn't remember his first ten years of life (which is a ton considering he's 17) and my head cannon is that he doesn't remember like 5 years after his first awakening so he just found himself as a countryhuman in (I have no idea how to write the name of their world) one day with barely any memories axcept a few from his time with his siblings
          So like this dude's whole personality (after he rediscovered his awakening) is made out of uncertainty and trauma and people still criticize him for being cold
          I'm definetly not the only one who finds this unfair


@ Countryhumans2011  yes true very true


Never say someone is cold without knowing what they went through, they might be cold, or they might be hurt


Wait.. I've been so fixated on wanting to know more about russ that I almost forgot about ame... I think we only know a LITTLE bit of his past, surely there's more, right??? 
          I mean, if there's more then that'd be interesting and would really change the plot of wwms :/