
If you've read the new Ben pincus story I've been updating recently can you give me some like criticism? I feel like I've messed it up somewhere that's kinda ruined the flow idk. Just need some advice thank u pookies xoxo


@SpikeyTheBookworm okay thank you. And it's cuz I wrote it years ago. It's cringe imp and people were arguing in the comments. It was just bleh


@PanSexualMarshmellow I have some advice. Maybe try to read the story itself? I have a feeling inspiration will come back if you do so. 
          	  Also, I've got a question? Why was the first book deleted? I'm curious.


If you've read the new Ben pincus story I've been updating recently can you give me some like criticism? I feel like I've messed it up somewhere that's kinda ruined the flow idk. Just need some advice thank u pookies xoxo


@SpikeyTheBookworm okay thank you. And it's cuz I wrote it years ago. It's cringe imp and people were arguing in the comments. It was just bleh


@PanSexualMarshmellow I have some advice. Maybe try to read the story itself? I have a feeling inspiration will come back if you do so. 
            Also, I've got a question? Why was the first book deleted? I'm curious.


I wrote the Ben pincus X reader book 2 years ago, I was 14 so there's obvs gonna be bad parts. but please don't be rude to people in the comments who are just trying to have fun and enjoy the story. its obviously gonna be a bad story but don't go around being horrible to other people about it. if u dont like my story or the people in the comments don't read it. thank you. I'm surprised people still read it tbh.


@PanSexualMarshmellow That's okay. I get it. I'm feeling the same thing, but I realize that when I just get to writing, I actually really enjoy it.


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@SpikeyTheBookworm Sorry no it started to feel more like a chore when i was writing it and it was shit in my opinion and i just wasn't enjoying it I'm sorry.


@PanSexualMarshmellow How about the first book? Is it going to be continued??


Hellooooo! I know you have another account that you forgot the password to. So I thought I’d ask you the question here. I know that you wrote a Red Shoes And The Seven Dwarfs Fanfiction (it’s really good bye I’m hooked and can’t stop rereading it) and I was wondering if you were continuing it.


(Lol sorry I didn’t mean to add the ‘bye’ after ‘good’)


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I have been watching the rest of camp cretaceous. And I have no idea if I should cry or fucking scream. I cant scream cuz its 10 o'clock at night. But I'm really tempted to.


@PanSexualMarshmellow GURL! YOU SHOULD DO THE NEW CAMP CRETAOCUS HIDDEN ADVENTURE!! it's interactive. AND AWESOME! It realised just today and I already finished it.


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I love this show so fucking much me and my mom watch it alot


@PanSexualMarshmellow it is soo good i watched it and it is amazing 