
Bro I miss being 14-16 where all I had to worry about was writing on Wattpad, I’m about to be 23 and life is so good but so hard yo! Im pretty much a housewife as I only work a few days a week and not super long hours , but I do everything else to care for my house and mini farm of animals and my wife . The only good thing I got growing up was my wife, my babies and the fact that I can smoke as much weed in my house as I want. :/ and that’s all I have to say . Hope you’re doing well to anyone who’s reading this 


im almost 22 and only had 1 gf U HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS?$/&(!:!


ya feel you! it really is like that 


Bro I miss being 14-16 where all I had to worry about was writing on Wattpad, I’m about to be 23 and life is so good but so hard yo! Im pretty much a housewife as I only work a few days a week and not super long hours , but I do everything else to care for my house and mini farm of animals and my wife . The only good thing I got growing up was my wife, my babies and the fact that I can smoke as much weed in my house as I want. :/ and that’s all I have to say . Hope you’re doing well to anyone who’s reading this 


im almost 22 and only had 1 gf U HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS?$/&(!:!


ya feel you! it really is like that 


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Yo it’s weird I sometimes can never find anything to read but my dumbass will sit here and read my one shots I wrote, I miss that shit, it’s weird I can only read my one shots or short stories I fucking HATE my texting fics cause they so cringe
          I am cringe ooof 


this message may be offensive
I posted so much old shit back onto my profile, some things have never been posted and some have years ago check em out ! Sorry for spam I will continue to empty my drafts though, I have like 20 more ...


I’m go gay I love my wife and I’m so high I just did a gram dab I’m die 


@PapiJauregui shii might as well. When in doubt, take another hit 


@kingforaday8 made me high enough to post all my old cringe books from 2015-2017 again but now the high is gone so ANOTHER! 


@PapiJauregui that dab must've hit you like a mf then, cuz I had a stroke trynna read this 