
Merry Christmas everyone!


@Pennator Merry Christmas!


Hi there, just wanted to let you know I checked out your book, (The Silver Dragon) and it looks amazing! Might buy the hard copy once I've got through the stack of books I'm in the middle of. Though I'm an  INCREDIBLY slow reader - took me a year to read Inheritance!


@DragonsDwelling Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed. 


12 yrs I was waiting.... 12 yrs waiting for my next adventure in the world of Alagaesia and Dragon Riders. And it finally arrived. 
          Murtagh was a great book, and it just felt amazing to read an adventure in Alagaesia again. I am both dreading and excited for its future.


@ Pennator  I think that there is so so much else interesting and very much important that we need to have in a book first. I am quite disappointed with what we got. Granted I never liked murtagh anyway but still this was not the book I think we need. I will likely not buy it


@Krakauer303 Ah that sucks. I just went into my local book store to pick up my copy, as soon as I was able.
            @lizardboy22 I've been hanging around quietly haha. It's been a difficult year on the writing front. Expect me to start posting again toward the beginning of the new year though


@Pennator  Wondering where you have been! Good to see you back on here :)


Next chapter of 'The Dragon of Broken Talons' has been released! As well as a new cover for it, again done by my brother. Let me know what you think :)


@ Pennator  I was wondering how the new cover would look like, and I wasn't dissapointed. It looks very cool!


@Pennator Thanks letting me make the cover, was a fun one. Hope you all enjoy 


Hello everyone! Wow... this took a bit longer than I expected haha.
          Well... good news is I've started writing again! I just posted the prologue of my next book. The Dragon of Broken Talons. Please, have a look if you are interested. The blurb and everything will be updated shortly. 
          After bashing my head against a brick wall for two months with my other projects I have decided it might be good to start something fresh. Completely out of view of what I've been working on the past 8? years with the Silver Trilogy. As much as I love it I've been itching to write new stories. So hopefully with this new start I can get back a bit of my old motiviation. 
          So please, let me know what you think and I hope to be back with my old projects soon as well.


@Pennator Keep up the good work Pennator! Welcome back!