
UPDATE!! I will be editing add maybe adding scene/chapters to Fire And Rain, Anyone who wants to reread I will post once I finish going through the whole book.


Heyy idk if you are planning on writing anything but if you aren't here is a suggestion for a hsmtmts jet thing: you could make it wear they are exs or just friends and the girl is over him but he wants her back and then when they play high school musical three in the last season of the series he can like tell her, like he did with kourtney I guess. This is just a suggestion prob is a bad idea so don't have to do it. I LOVE your writing tho


@madaboutblob Thank ypu for the support and suggestion I will play around with the idea but no ganrenty that I will use it, thank you thought!!


Heyo, just finished reading "The Unexpected" and I was wondering if you are gonna make a book for Zombies 3?


Ok thanks for the advice.


There isn't really any tips I could give you since I am not the best author. I would say, just follow your heart with any changes that you want to make and just make sure you enjoy yourself while writing it! <3


@JusticeForBuckysPlum  Hey! Have you got any tips for when I start to write the 3rd movie. Just want an outside point of view