

Please don’t stop writing haunting Adeline, I was reading haunting Adeline on here and the book was complete but the person deleted it off their page so please please keep updating it, I’m loving it so far and I can’t wait to see what happens.


Hey dear! 
          I apologize if this message is intrusive in any way, but I wanted to reach out and ask if you could spare a few moments to review my new poetry book.
          I value your opinion and would greatly appreciate your feedback. I've poured my heart and soul into these poems, and I truly hope they resonate with you.
          Thank you for considering my request, and I sincerely hope that my book connects with you. 
          Wishing you a pleasant day/night ahead! :)
          Best regards, 


@____MaEve____ Noo thats a relatable poetry... I found it very strong and mesmerizing... Loved it 