
Dear followers,
          	I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I am grateful for your continued support as I navigate the world of storytelling. Lately, my mind has been brimming with countless ideas, each vying for attention.
          	I turn to you, my valued readers, for guidance. Your feedback is invaluable to me. If you have a moment, I would appreciate your thoughts on which genre or tropes you would like me to explore next. Whether it's G x G, B x B, or any other specific ideas you have in mind, I am eager to hear your preferences.
          	Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Your input will help shape the stories I create for you.


@PlotPerceptorr love your story meet my brothers... can't u set her up with some hot lil sexy daddy, I read stories like this a lot and it's always the damn man having his on his arm lol nah spice her up have her damn ex spitting straight jealousy fire. And let her newfound family see there adopted brats true self early on. Probably ruin what you got planned but I love me some KARMA 


@PlotPerceptorr  can you please update frequently as your stories are really interesting and it inspires me to write my imagination to 


Dear followers,
          I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I am grateful for your continued support as I navigate the world of storytelling. Lately, my mind has been brimming with countless ideas, each vying for attention.
          I turn to you, my valued readers, for guidance. Your feedback is invaluable to me. If you have a moment, I would appreciate your thoughts on which genre or tropes you would like me to explore next. Whether it's G x G, B x B, or any other specific ideas you have in mind, I am eager to hear your preferences.
          Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Your input will help shape the stories I create for you.


@PlotPerceptorr love your story meet my brothers... can't u set her up with some hot lil sexy daddy, I read stories like this a lot and it's always the damn man having his on his arm lol nah spice her up have her damn ex spitting straight jealousy fire. And let her newfound family see there adopted brats true self early on. Probably ruin what you got planned but I love me some KARMA 


@PlotPerceptorr  can you please update frequently as your stories are really interesting and it inspires me to write my imagination to 


Your feedback is invaluable to me, and i want to make sure my updates align with your preferences. Currently, I'm uploading a chapter every three days, but i understand that this might feel discouraging for some of you. I want to adjust my schedule to better suit your reading habits.
          How would you prefer the chapter updates to be? Should we aim for a more relaxed schedule, like uploading a chapter once a week? Or perhaps you'd like more frequent updates, with a new chapter every other day? Your input will help me with the releases to better fit your expectations.


 Let's Dive into the World of Storytelling! ✨
          Hey, fellow bookworms and adventure seekers! 
          I'm absolutely stoked to be here on Wattpad, introducing myself as a brand-new author on this incredible platform.  The Wattpad community has always inspired me with its boundless creativity, and I can't wait to be a part of it!
          Let's kickstart this awesome author-reader conversation with a bang!  I want to know what tickles your literary fancy. Are you a die-hard fan of epic fantasy, a hopeless romantic, a mystery enthusiast, or do you love exploring uncharted genres? ‍♂️❤️️‍♀️
          But wait, there's more!  I'm all about those jaw-dropping PLOT TWISTS!  What kind of twists and turns make you gasp in amazement? Is it the unexpected romance, spine-tingling suspense, or maybe even a sprinkle of magic that keeps you hooked? Share your secret plot twist cravings! 
          Here's the exciting part: Your preferences will shape my upcoming story right here on Wattpad! ✨
          Don't hold back—drop your genre and plot twist dreams in the comments. Let's weave a narrative that will keep you spellbound. Stay tuned for the adventure of a lifetime, and thanks for being part of this amazing journey! ❤️ #AuthorChat #WattpadCommunity #NewAuthorOnTheBlock