
قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Alright everybody, I know I’m behind n shit but I’ve got an excuse.
          	For the past couple of weeks(months really), my family had been preparing for my mother’s brain surgery(tumor removal). 
          	Last week had been her due date. 
          	With a cocktail of work, worry and insomnia(both natural and induced)-let’s just say I haven’t been very motivated to write.
          	And I’ll be honest about it-I wasn’t really sorry about it either. 
          	But the eye of the storm has finally passed, and we’re now shifting through the debris.
          	My mother has made it through her surgery and is now in the recovery stages.
          	All is good, and I think I’m ok to get back to it.
          	Thanks for understanding.
          	Yours truly,


@ PopTartKiddo  Take your time bro, glad your mom is doing better


@PopTartKiddo Family is everything so don't hesitate to take time with them, we can always wait! Life is more important than pushing things aside so don't worry about it and take your time, my friend. <3


@PopTartKiddo man family comes first, dont worry about writing, we'll wait as long as we need to


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Alright everybody, I know I’m behind n shit but I’ve got an excuse.
          For the past couple of weeks(months really), my family had been preparing for my mother’s brain surgery(tumor removal). 
          Last week had been her due date. 
          With a cocktail of work, worry and insomnia(both natural and induced)-let’s just say I haven’t been very motivated to write.
          And I’ll be honest about it-I wasn’t really sorry about it either. 
          But the eye of the storm has finally passed, and we’re now shifting through the debris.
          My mother has made it through her surgery and is now in the recovery stages.
          All is good, and I think I’m ok to get back to it.
          Thanks for understanding.
          Yours truly,


@ PopTartKiddo  Take your time bro, glad your mom is doing better


@PopTartKiddo Family is everything so don't hesitate to take time with them, we can always wait! Life is more important than pushing things aside so don't worry about it and take your time, my friend. <3


@PopTartKiddo man family comes first, dont worry about writing, we'll wait as long as we need to


Request Board!
          You heard me right, you got an idea that you think I can type into existence? Look no further! While being a pop culture connoisseur of all things not very popular, if I know it-I’ll write it!
          I’ll be going in order of suggestions-and in first place was a request made ‘round a year ago about another Constantine fic.
          Your wish is my command.
          All of you.
          …please be gentle…


I agree with @Vertigo1313 or if you don’t want to create your own character could you put Killua in young justice please?


@PopTartKiddo young justice with nen user. I want you to choose a nen type and creat your own technics. I don't know if this is orginal but if you want you can try


@PopTartKiddo small idea but for the Constantine series the demon doesn't seem all that surprised by the outcome of what happened so maybe it's happened before? Maybe someone from Constantines world is also trapped there, or since the magic exists for world hopping previous victims of this demon are hunting it out, hoping worlds with it trying to kill it, and at some point John Constantine gets roped in like always lol