
Transform and roll out! New chapter of 'My Auto Academia' Is up!


I'm also curious if you plan on continuing "Sometimes Fear is the Best Weapon." The writing is really well done, and the story has me and a friend of mine completely hooked! Don't feel pressured to rush anything. The work is amazing and I'm just excited for more


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Like this dude the “sometimes fear is the best weapon” is also one of my favourites but also if you are on a break that’s fine take the time you need we will all be patient 
            If anyone complains they’re just an asshole 


Your vigilante Deku story is amazing, I love it and your art is badass. 
          Can you draw something for me? Your art is so cool! Makes me jealous


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@PrimeA1999 HOLY SHIT!! Thank you man!


@ChrisEsther cool, just send me the description of the costume and I'll have it done for you as fast as I can!


@PrimeA1999 yaaayyy! Okay, I'm planning on writing a vigilante Deku story and I've written the description of his vigilante costume with others. All I just need is the drawing. 


Do like transformers movies?


Yep my favorite one is bumblebee


@caboose19 If where going movies then I'd say Barricade but if where talking in general then I'd say it's between Maccadam and Lockdown.


I feel the same way, but at the Last Knight Megatron lost his arm… and who is your favorite character in transformers?


Would love to read more of Along came a Rabbit when you get a chance to update it


@PrimeA1999 take your time take care of yourself first then come back to it stuff happens


@cannon72 sorry its taking so long, the art is being a pain, family/personal issues and creative burn out have been plaguing me for a while.
            I'll try and and get a Chapter up as soon as I'm able


@AtlasTriton776 I don't understand why people often rush ships in general as I like some time before entering a relationship, granted I don't like the ones where it feels like forever but that's just me and my tastes.
          As for updates, I try to post whenever I can as I have a lot going on IRL with my family, I also struggle to get my thoughts into words and try to make them coherent. I do try to at least post once a month but I don't often get it.


In the story- sometimes fear is the best weapon- can you make it that he actually turns into the scarecrow creature off of Injustice like green gas covers him and he walks out looking like that up to you it's a great story I just that that his quirk evolved to doing that


@Macadam_stories If you don't feel like writing then don't force yourself to because you haven't updated your story in a while, when I tried to force myself to write it came out like a rushed and awful part of my story.
          I rewrote it when the feeling to write decided to grace me with its presence.
          Also don't be afraid to brake cannon or diverge from it as it can often lead to more interesting outcomes, like let's say your doing a Skyrim fanfic instead of having your character going with either the Imperials or Stormcloaks at the beginning where everyone is running away have them convince the two sides to work together.
          I'm not the best with advice as I don't know what I'm doing half the time but I hope this helps you!