
I have a very big announcement that you may want to know. It's been a long time coming, and I'm sure some of you have probably figured this out by now. I'm officially leaving wattpad. I've found that I'm losing passion for the stories I have here, and I'd rather move onto other things. I still have my quotev account where I'm posting new stories there, but as for wattpad... I'm done. I've tried to bring myself to finish what I've started, but it's become apparent that it's just not working. I'm sorry to disappoint you all. I do hope that you've come to enjoy what I've written already. I will not be updating any of my stories; I've labeled them as complete and/or abandoned. I'll still keep my account active so people can still read my stories, but I won't be coming online and checking things. Please do not ask me to write anything or come back: I'm not coming back here. I've already made my mind up. Regardless, I wish you all a good day/night. For the final time... Later my fellow readers! =^-^=


@QueenOfNekoWriters Do you have an Ao3 account and can we all please get your Quotev account?


@QueenOfNekoWriters Wishing you the best of luck in life, and your Quotev ofc! Thank you for the amazing stories, we'll miss you!


@QueenOfNekoWriters  Farewell! I love your stories!


I have a very big announcement that you may want to know. It's been a long time coming, and I'm sure some of you have probably figured this out by now. I'm officially leaving wattpad. I've found that I'm losing passion for the stories I have here, and I'd rather move onto other things. I still have my quotev account where I'm posting new stories there, but as for wattpad... I'm done. I've tried to bring myself to finish what I've started, but it's become apparent that it's just not working. I'm sorry to disappoint you all. I do hope that you've come to enjoy what I've written already. I will not be updating any of my stories; I've labeled them as complete and/or abandoned. I'll still keep my account active so people can still read my stories, but I won't be coming online and checking things. Please do not ask me to write anything or come back: I'm not coming back here. I've already made my mind up. Regardless, I wish you all a good day/night. For the final time... Later my fellow readers! =^-^=


@QueenOfNekoWriters Do you have an Ao3 account and can we all please get your Quotev account?


@QueenOfNekoWriters Wishing you the best of luck in life, and your Quotev ofc! Thank you for the amazing stories, we'll miss you!


@QueenOfNekoWriters  Farewell! I love your stories!


Attention, attention… May I have your attention please? I just wanted to announce that I’m now going to be posting stories to my new quotev account. I wanted to experience what it’s like to not have a following and be a fresh author on the fan fiction market, so to speak. None of the stories I’m posting there will be posted here, and nothing I write here will go there. I’m wanting to write about fandoms I don’t write about here, just to branch out somewhat. If you wanna check it out you can; here’s the link: https://www.quotev.com/TypicalFangirlFanficWriter
          Let me know if the link doesn’t work. Let me know if you have any questions. 


@ QueenOfNekoWriters  will you still write here? 


I’m sorry to hear that, but that doesn’t change the fact I’ve made an account and will be posting content there. Maybe make a new email so you can create an account if you want? Idk how to help you.


Soooooo… when will my request be done, just asking (the Kamikot x Kirumi Tojo lemon one shot)


Hello, sorry if I am being a bit of a badger, but i did ask for a request for your danagnronpa oneshot book...and I was wondering where it was


@TanukiTsuki I don't know. I have a long list and a lot to do in my personal life. If this helps, you're number 51 on my list. It'll be a while.


Once again I've started a new story, despite having an onslaught to finish. I was allowing myself to fall back into fandoms I enjoyed as a teen, and I was reminded how much I absolutely adore Luka from Miraculous Ladybug. Seriously, I'm a lesbian, but I might have to make an exception lol. Anyway, I'll be doing my best to update it regularly. If you're interested, be sure to check it out.
          As for fans and readers of my other works, I'm seriously sorry. I'll come and go without a second's notice. Post a bunch all at once, then disappear for months. As I've mentioned before, I'm dealing with depression like that one stalker that won't leave you alone. When I'm not feeling too depressed, I'm motivated and able to write. When I'm feeling depressed, I find it hard to write. I've had a bad couple months, but that really isn't the best excuse. I'm truly sorry for being an inconsistent author. I remember before I started this account and looking at others who'd disappear and think 'I'll never be like them', and here I am. Even so, I do hope that when I post you enjoy my works. I'm truly passionate about writing, even if I don't think I'll be able to make it a career. It's thanks to all of your support that I'm able to keep going at times. Going back and reading the kind and (sometimes hilarious or ridiculous) sweet comments really give me motivation to keep going. So thanks.
          I'm putting the link for my new story if you're interested:
          I'll see you all later, my fellow readers =^-^= (I haven't done that in forever, feels good)


@ QueenOfNekoWriters  I used to be obsessed with miraculous I'll def read it 


This is just a quick update to let you know my plan for the following updates. To start off with, here's a bit of info: I've had depression since I was around 11-12, and I just turned 21 last year. The past years have been especially difficult; my lack of drive to write being just one of the side-effects of said depression. I've attempted suicide a small handful of times, with the only reason I'm still here being my unnaturally-strong sense of survival (it's higher compared to most).Now onto my next point; my dad's in the military (air force). the reason this is important is because as long as I'm doing full-time college (which I am), I can receive his military insurance and all the benefits that go with that until I'm 26. If that wasn't the case what's been going on wouldn't have been possible.
          I've tried many, many medications throughout my life, all of which was to no avail. Last year I finally reached the end of all the medications known to be helpful for depression. You would think that would be the end of the rope in terms of finding help, but I was (surprisingly&happily) surprised with a method that is finally working: ECT Therapy (aka shock therapy). Controlled seizures help to reset the brain; I'm not even halfway finished and it's already night and day. I'm sure you guys don't necessarily care about my medical history, but there's a reason this is important for you to know this. Short-term memory around the days I'm doing this are hazy. I've always had a strong memory, so it's jarring and difficult to not be able to rely on that. When writing, it doesn't make sense to write if I'm going to forget what led me to write it in the first place. My last appointment is on Friday next week, so after all that I should be able to pick up where I left off in terms of writing. For anyone who feels hopeless with depression, I would most certainly recommend this. I should be back soon; I'm excited to write. Thanks for taking the time to read this; it means a lot to me.


@RahRizzle123 wonderful. if you want to request a one-shot, please please post it on the request page (first chapter) no matter how many times I remind the readers they still post on newer chapters, and I'd be lying if I said I'm not getting annoyed with them...


@QueenOfNekoWriters : lucky for u my danganronpa phase is back


@RahRizzle123 Well I'm glad you've enjoyed my writing. It's hard when looking back at my earlier work because I see how bad it was compared to my writing now. Although I suppose that's just proof of my improvement. The big post basically goes over how I've been doing as of late. With my depression lessening, I'm rediscovering my love for writing, if you will. I never fell out of love with it, but rather I'm in love with writing it down instead of just thinking of the stories. Thanks for checking in. I'm not sure which of my works you came for, but if you're a Danganronpa fan I'm still writing for it in my oneshot book/boyfriend and girlfriend scenarios.


I'm very happy to announce that I have returned to one of my first stories, an OG if you will. My Yandere!Brothers x Reader story "Mine" It's been a while since I've touched this beauty, although the spin-off has been semi-recent, I still need to get back into that one as well. For those who read it and noticed a spin-off inside the story "Story-Time", where you get to reread the story and gain insight from whoever you choose to end up with... Well I'm continuing it. I just posted the Story-Time for chapter three, so if you're interested you should go check it out. 


 Yessss thank you ☺️ 