
And just like that May is over, and pride month is in! Wishing you all the best my fellow rainbow-humans! Love is love. <3


Ya’ll how are we at 1.1K reads?? I’m shook as it’s hard to find readers on Wattpad, so I’m pretty overwhelmed by the new readers finding this book on a daily basis now! I appreciate all of you so much and your support for my lil gay romance over here; plus your fiery love for cinnamon roll Lucas and his HEA. I look forward to reading all your comments on chapters and again thank you for coming on this journey with me! -quill 


@badgalres aw thank you! i need to hop on whatsap so we can catch up im so bad at remembering! -_-'


@theforestgreene waaait what? no way! my tired eyeballs like literally thought it was 1.1 last night lmao. i am shook!


@Quill-Pearson Congrats on 11K, friendo! Surely there's more to come. <3


The next chapter is live! I know it may not be what you expect, and sorry for the cliff hanger, but my brain did a thing. It's up on the other platforms as well, so if you have difficulty reading it here, go to one of the others I post on! Crossing my fingers for no glitches this time, and I'll see you guys soon in the next chapter.


Hi all, please if you are having difficulty seeing the new chapter, head to Inkitt or Tapas to read. I’m not sure what’s going on or why y’all can’t see it, but I suspect Wattpad might have shadow banned me if you’re not getting notifications of new chapters as well. Please comment on the chapter if you’re able to open it, and if not, please lmk you were able to read it elsewhere! -Quill


@Shortround45 This is so bizarre. I have readers who are finding it on here and commenting and readers who can’t find it! And then on tapas I have readers commenting and liking it but then some can’t see it either. I’m so confused and hoping this doesn’t mean in being shadow banned. I’m in the process of hoping to make a website where I will post my work, that way I don’t have to be censored by platforms. Definitely check Inkitt, they’re usually the safest bet! I’m so sorry for the trouble. Please comment on Inkitt that you were able to read it! 


@Quill-Pearson I didn't see where the new chapter was available on here but it was on Tapas. Now I'm not finding it on there either . So I'm not sure what is going on


@Quill-Pearson I can see the new chapter on here


Next Chapter of LMD is live and chili pepper hot. Read at your own risk and have something to fan yourselves with.


@Quill-Pearson okay!. It's weird because I have the email for it just no chapter 


@deniellepodraza shoot okay. I’m not sure why it isn’t showing for you guys as I did publish and was able to see it. Starting to worry I might be shadow banned by wattpads algo. Please go to Inkitt for now if you still can’t read it, I’ve got it published there and on tapas! 


Hi lovely humans! Just dropping in to leave a quick update and also say hi to my new followers! I have seen quite a few new humans have joined my little queer corner of the internet. Welcome and thank you, I am very happy to have you here! 
          Now, as to my update... 
          I'm still working on this chapter, and I again am so sorry for the delays, but i really want to get it right. I'd actually written THREE different versions of that smut scene before I settled on one I was happy with! But now I'm working on polishing it up and wrapping up the end of the chapter itself, so I'm confident to be able to publish it by this coming Weekend. Thank you all for your patience and kindness as well as encouraging me to take care of myself! I had really been burning myself out staying up, and it was having a bad effect on my health, so I have really needed to catch up on my rest. 


Sorry for the delay on my chapters guys. I’ve been really running myself into the ground writing late into the night so I had to take a few days and recuperate on rest. I’m continuing work and should have two or three chapters to publish by the time I’m done, so I hope that makes up for the wait. <3 Thanks for your patience and support. 


@Quill-Pearson thanks for the update! Hope ur getting so much needed rest 


Take your time! <3 no worries 