
Just a quick update - I'm pretty busy with all things work at the moment - I started a new job at the end of January and it's wonderful but it's taking a lot of energy and I am having to do a bit of travel once or twice a week.  
          	I do have some chapters of TGP written but my old laptop was in the process of dying and was difficult to use so I have bought myself a shiny brand new laptop.  I am hoping to find some time to revise them as I was not happy with the tone of them but hopefully I can start posting again more regularly soon.


@AngelJones872  Q?  Yes, at least for the foreseeable future.  I wrote that 25 years ago and never finished it.  I don’t know if I ever will.  But you never know!


Are you done with the last story 


Just a quick update - I'm pretty busy with all things work at the moment - I started a new job at the end of January and it's wonderful but it's taking a lot of energy and I am having to do a bit of travel once or twice a week.  
          I do have some chapters of TGP written but my old laptop was in the process of dying and was difficult to use so I have bought myself a shiny brand new laptop.  I am hoping to find some time to revise them as I was not happy with the tone of them but hopefully I can start posting again more regularly soon.


@AngelJones872  Q?  Yes, at least for the foreseeable future.  I wrote that 25 years ago and never finished it.  I don’t know if I ever will.  But you never know!


Are you done with the last story 


Just wanted to say a public THANKYOU! to @MsGoldie for creating the AWESOME cover picture for the Q story, I love it SO much  :)


@MsGoldie76  it is so gorgeous!!


@RachieQ You are more than welcome. I have so much fun doing graphics stuff. I’m flattered that you liked it.


Hi...I love your work. Been a fan for many many years. Am I mistaken or did u also write John and Marlena finally get a Q? I loved that story and I was so sure u wrote it. If so...will u be posting it?


@TasneemDinath  - I shall do forthwith!  :)  I'll start posting it this weekend.


@TasneemDinath Thank you. That's exactly my experience on jarlena journal. Though I'm not complaining. I love having all the stories to read. But it would be great if u would put it up on wattpad!


Are you currently making edits to Giuoco Piano before moving forward? I keep seeing revisions to the “last date updated” but no new chapters. Should I go back and reread prior chapters in anticipation of new ones? I love this story and just want to make sure I’m not missing anything :)


Looking forward to it - thank you!


@ashaccount512   Hi!  Yes I had to read the story so far to get back into the flow to write it so where I just saw small  changes I needed to make or mistakes I needed to fix, I did that.  Sorry if I got you excited!  I will be posting a new chapter of Piano really soon so hopefully the next notification you see will be a new chapter!  R


Hello. You are a really good writer and I'm enjoying your stories. Will you be finishing The giuoco piano?


@cnstar15 Hello. Great! Can't wait to see how it ends. Your very welcome! Thank you for sharing your work. 


Hi, yes I will and I can’t wait to get back to it.  I struggle to switch between tenses so have committed to finishing Better than Revenge before I get back to Piano.  I think it’s only going to be a few more chapters (maybe 5?) for BTR and then I’ll be done and raring to get moving again on Piano.  Thanks for letting me know you’re enjoying my writing, I really appreciate it! 