
Bit late for this, but I hope you all liked the 3-part lemon fic that I wrote. I ended up having so much fun with it that I went beyond the 8k word limit for the lemon part, so I had to revise and cut off a lot of things there, but nothing major. If I don't win that  Discord contest with this fic, I may just commit seppuku out of shame.
          	But now that it's over, it's back to Eroge writing like always. Before you ask, no, there will be no more chapters for that KiyoZuneKei fic. It's already marked complete, and it was only for a contest. If it left you wanting more, I'm just that good in writing lemons. ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠∧⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ


@RainSennin No way he just called us pervs while flexing


Author-kun I just realised that kiyopon promised Sensei that he would reach class A within the year.  
          The next chapter is for the island exam, and I can’t wait to see what absolute Kiyotaka-like plans you’ve cooked up!
          Gl author-kun
          Hope chapter comes soon


Bit late for this, but I hope you all liked the 3-part lemon fic that I wrote. I ended up having so much fun with it that I went beyond the 8k word limit for the lemon part, so I had to revise and cut off a lot of things there, but nothing major. If I don't win that  Discord contest with this fic, I may just commit seppuku out of shame.
          But now that it's over, it's back to Eroge writing like always. Before you ask, no, there will be no more chapters for that KiyoZuneKei fic. It's already marked complete, and it was only for a contest. If it left you wanting more, I'm just that good in writing lemons. ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠∧⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ


@RainSennin No way he just called us pervs while flexing


If I may ask, if at any point in "The Eroge" where Kiyotaka's relationship with the heroines reaches a high level, would the system allow Kiyotaka and his heroines to have an effect that allows them to be aroused anytime that Kiyotaka is feeling aroused à la the Master-Servant Contract in "The Testament Of Sister New Devil"?


@ RainSennin  hi, excuse me the interruption 


Finished writing the smut chapter for 'Playing with Ice and Fire' and is ready to be published on the 19th. I'M GOING TO WIN THAT WRITING COMPETITION SO WHEN VOTING STARTS ON THE 26TH IN OUR DISCORD SERVER, JOIN AND HELP ME WIN!
          But in other news, since I'm now done with that, back to the Eroge grind I go! :D


Author-san quick question:
          What do you think about the COTE fanfic "Alter self-test"?
          It seems like something you (might) enjoy, so I would like your opinion on it.


Vague but ok.
            Peace, then, I guess.
            See you next upload!
            Have a nice day   :>


@RainSennin Cool.
            I guess its just a coincidence that they are similar then...
            By the by, where do you live? Like which country?


I still won't resort to calling out names, but that doesn't stop me from being disappointed and disgusted at the amount of slimy basement dwellers who keep on writing shitty fanfics without even looking at the mirror first.
          Helloooooo? If spending several hours surfing the net and sitting on your ass is doable, then surely it shouldn't be hard to write something decent... unless it's the extent of your IQ.


@RainSennin Heh, now, say my name


@usedcvndvm Rain's ranting is so skilled, Eminem is sitting at the corner


Good day slaves-- I mean, my readers. You know those kinds of readers who leave hate comments on certain girls they don't like? Like how Airi keeps getting a lot of them? Of course you know them.
          Help me weed out those casuals reading the Eroge by insulting or roasting them. Whichever works. Why? Because these people don't even deserve to see the dish I'm cooking. They are not worthy of the waifus at all. They don't deserve to see what I can do to make the girls better. Because if they do see, they'll just be bandwagons and start praising my version of the character while trashing other iterations.
          No, I refuse to let that happen. So help me insult them, slaves-- readers, I mean. They aren't many in the Eroge fic, but they exist. If you don't, I'll just delete the Eroge all in all and write in private because I refuse to let these idiotic morons get a taste of what I can cook. This last part is a joke, of course... or is it? You don't want to know. :)


@ImAmDense most of the early ones where the girls have only just begun to show up and have not developed yet, like Airi


@RainSennin what specific chapters are you receiving most of these hate comments from?


I don't really know how to trash talk but I will spam report said hate comments instead.