
Hello, World. t(*-*t)


And I still haven't picked out a new phone. I want an android, but I'm stuck between SONY z5 and the LG G4. Z5 is the better phone, and I currently own a sony so the switch would be easier. Buuut the LG is still a great phone, and about $200-300 cheaper, depending on where I buy it. And this debate has been going around my head for months. It's driving me nuts. And everyone else around me too lol.


Ah, it's alright, I worry about everything so it's not your fault. 
          Ahhhh, then after university there is the 'Real World". Just wait for it, apparently you'll wish you were back at uni. Not sure if everything is going downhill, or I am becoming a miserable, cynical adult. Bit of both, maybe. Ugh, I'm turning 21 next week, and I am in denial about it. I don't wanna grow up! I wish I was 16 again and everything was so much more beautiful. Me included, if apparently I look older than I should be, which is ruuude of everyone to think so >.< Seriously, most people are surprised when they know my age. I'm an old soul. A grandmotha. And it's depressing me!!!!
          I know! I'm still looking over that playlist, but I suuuuck at predicting stuff apparently so I have no idea what to make of half the stuff there. I am convinced that Last Goodbye is Nick though. It's heartbreaking that song, but then again by that stage Kelsey would probably have had enough of BOTR and decide to murder everyone in it. At this rate I would be in the 'real world' by the time that chapter rolls around. Or maybe not, who knows. Siiiiiigh. Just stare desolately at the playlist and hope everyone ends up happy. 
          Pffft, how do you understand MINE??? It's a miracle we can communnicate lol. 
          TAKE ME TO CHUUUURCH!!!! I like the sound of that song, and I guess some lyrics are beautiful. 'I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife' I like that bit. The negative religious connotations I'm not a fan off though, you know how I feel about that stuff. But that's the only hozier song I know lol. What are some other good ones? :)


HOW I'M DOING??? Freaking worried sick this last week, don't do that to me!!  So glad you're safe though!
          Oooooh, you're still getting there! Take your time, there's no rush now WA is over (it doesn't feel like it is though... but enough on that for now!)
          Heeeeey, have you looked at the new playlist? Do you think Last Goodbye is Nick??? That's the one song that's occupying me atm, which is not a good idea because my finals are literally next week, but after the 18th I'll be free!