
After countless years, ever since I planned my very first book when I was 12-13 and growing up writing more.. it was exciting really, it felt good to have readers. It felt good to do something I'm happy about to a point I bragged it to my mom about how many reads there are.
          	However, I left on hiatus.. for a very long time. So many promises and words I've said that I'll come back and never did. It wasn't a great.. 3-4 years of my time growing up, learning, experiencing things I did not want. I mean honestly I have so much more to admit and I've only caused drama in this app that I never belonged in.
          	Am I gonna continue the books? Not anymore, it's no longer a passion for me. If I do, it's only for fun and that has no future for myself. By that, I mean.. it's not something I'll do often and will use as something for my future. Rather... I engaged myself in arts. I've been drawing these past few months.
          	So with a little help with my friends and partners(SOs).. We might be making a Webtoon series. Of course that depends if it actually happens which I hope it does.
          	Anyway enough sad talk, contact me. it's all in my BIO if you wanna talk! And if yall want release date for the Webtoon series, just say so and I'll try to get it done. Don't expect much, there's only 2-3 people doing this to help me. One artist and possibly two writers. So there'll be a lot of delays. Put down your ideas for the story too, it's really appreciated to hear them AND apply them and make it work. 
          	Okay okay thank yall for reading my stuff, see yall o7


ty yall


@RedArt-Kun3 It was a pleasure working with you when we were! I would love to read your webtoon!


@RedArt-Kun3 o7 good knowing you man. Peace.


After countless years, ever since I planned my very first book when I was 12-13 and growing up writing more.. it was exciting really, it felt good to have readers. It felt good to do something I'm happy about to a point I bragged it to my mom about how many reads there are.
          However, I left on hiatus.. for a very long time. So many promises and words I've said that I'll come back and never did. It wasn't a great.. 3-4 years of my time growing up, learning, experiencing things I did not want. I mean honestly I have so much more to admit and I've only caused drama in this app that I never belonged in.
          Am I gonna continue the books? Not anymore, it's no longer a passion for me. If I do, it's only for fun and that has no future for myself. By that, I mean.. it's not something I'll do often and will use as something for my future. Rather... I engaged myself in arts. I've been drawing these past few months.
          So with a little help with my friends and partners(SOs).. We might be making a Webtoon series. Of course that depends if it actually happens which I hope it does.
          Anyway enough sad talk, contact me. it's all in my BIO if you wanna talk! And if yall want release date for the Webtoon series, just say so and I'll try to get it done. Don't expect much, there's only 2-3 people doing this to help me. One artist and possibly two writers. So there'll be a lot of delays. Put down your ideas for the story too, it's really appreciated to hear them AND apply them and make it work. 
          Okay okay thank yall for reading my stuff, see yall o7


ty yall


@RedArt-Kun3 It was a pleasure working with you when we were! I would love to read your webtoon!


@RedArt-Kun3 o7 good knowing you man. Peace.


Hii red it's me i've been doing good what about you sorry if i didn't reply to you last time, i was kind of busy XD


That's good, Likewise XD


@KazumiAkito I'm good, been busy myself too lmfao. Hope to see you soon again XD


Lol mom decided not to take the banners I've been making for 24 hours. Then wtf did I stayed up and drink coffee for then?—
          Sometimes I don't understand my own mom lol, oh well. I'll continue it anyway


@ RedArt-Kun3  yEs \ OwO /


@Ayaazz__  I'll let you


@ RedArt-Kun3  I'll stab her uwu 


Woahhh I stayed up for 24 hours with 4 cups of coffee. I can't wait to rub this on my mom's face for pressuring and stressing the hell out of me ✨
          (Me filled with sarcasm and blunt tone.)


@ RedArt-Kun3  oops


Yoo I got discord and instagram if y'all wanna be friends or follow me there lmfao
          Discord: Red4rt01#9350
          Instagram: @r3d4rt_kun3
          I'll plan all my books and stuff when I'm free from stress and problems. Oh and I might redraw some of the cover in the books I have. Lmfao it looks so crappy-
          (Sorry I was gone btw)


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
There isn't much updates. So I'll just type down lists of things:
          Am I discontinuing my books?
          Answer is no. I am never going to stop writing, I want to write and write until I become better. I know two years ago, as a kid. I literally write so shitty, but I was happy to see that all of you still read those chapters and left funny and encouraging comments.
          Why haven't I written a chapter in forever?
          I've been in a never ending roller coaster that I have to put down my books and rest. Right now I'm still dealing with more things happening, and I'm really trying to find inspiration to make more chapters.
          When are the new books coming?
          I don't know, but I assure you it's all in drafts. Trying to finish everything and publish them all at once for all of you to read.
          What are my plans?
          Rest, find inspiration to get back to where I left off, and do better. I'm willing to do what I want this time. Summer break is coming and I'm ready to tackle whatever is coming at me soon.
          Please be patient, I'm dealing a huge boulder that I want to destroy so badly. My mental illness isn't doing any better, and shit work and school is a huge pressure. I only ask for patience until I found the inspiration. I'm so sorry it took this long.


@Aight_Imma_Headout  thank you, I'm glad to see this. I will surely try to keep going and hopefully I can be okay and continue with my books :3


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
You know you are a fucking asshole right?
          I only said that that story was disappointing then you said that fuck i should fuck you are an idiot and that stupid author said I'm insulting you, when your the one who's being rude to me


this message may be offensive
@ OutrunningKarmaBitch  lmfao first of all, I know I'm replying late, but I don't care. second of all, the book doesn't specify what the reader is, that's right. BUT, most books have the title with "x non-binary reader", so it's not the author's fault. third of all, you're the asshole. you could've been nicer towards the author AND this person's account, that is also my friend. fourth of all, YOU should fix your problem, my friend was telling you something called "facts". he didn't do anything wrong, it's you who started all of this, so you're the problem. fifth of all, the author, the one that replied to your comment, wasn't flirting with you. it's something called sarcasm, but obviously, you don't know what it is. also why continuing to reply with another account? don't like them, acquire some taste. do you always act like an idiot or do you just show off when people are around? grab a straw because you suck. I don't hate you but let's put it this way…, if I had a bucket of water and you were on fire, I'd drink the water.


@gh0stlov Look i'm sorry for calling you stupid back then i mistook you to someone else i was going to call stupid to the other guy because he was being rude to me Also are you flirting with me?


            Both of you are a waste of space


I bring forth to my fellow pawns. do me a favor and vote on this certain book to make an enemy suffer >:3


@RedArt-Kun3  I remember us talking about that in discord even tho I didnt get what it was about-


What is our weapon in the solo fighter book?


@goldengost14  just copy paste the whole thing to see it lol, I don't think you can see it in your phone or mobile device