
This isn’t important, it really isn’t, but it’s just something that’s been bugging me.
          	If you know the characters in Pokémon Sword and Shield, then you know Leon, or you should know him. Now, every time I look at Leon, I immediately think of a Shiny Zoruark. I believe it’s because a Shiny Zoruark has long purple hair like Leon does. 
          	This isn’t a theory, or anything like that. I just find it strange that I think about that every time I look at Leon, and I had to see him quite a lot when playing Pokémon Sword.


This isn’t important, it really isn’t, but it’s just something that’s been bugging me.
          If you know the characters in Pokémon Sword and Shield, then you know Leon, or you should know him. Now, every time I look at Leon, I immediately think of a Shiny Zoruark. I believe it’s because a Shiny Zoruark has long purple hair like Leon does. 
          This isn’t a theory, or anything like that. I just find it strange that I think about that every time I look at Leon, and I had to see him quite a lot when playing Pokémon Sword.


I just finished the next chapter for KTTWTT(King Trollex Trolls world tour thing, I’m calling it that from now on). Normally, I try to wait a whole day a least when I go into a writing spree like this. It’s hasn’t been 24 hours yet, but I want to know if you all want it posted early anyway.
          The next chapter is much longer (around 2200 words)than the ones before it, just a small warning.


@RingoDrummer cool. I dont mind. I'm the kind of person whose read a 500 page book in one day before.


So I just found a drawing of Trollex with long and fluffy hair, and I found out they drew it due to what I said earlier about the idea I had with him having right braids. I’m not sure how I should feel about this, but I know I’m happy.
          I think I’ll end up writing a chapter on the idea after all in the Epilogue.


@RingoDrummer sounds interesting.


When the new book is coming! I'm not got at waitinguuuugggggghhhh


            I have everything set up, I just need to write the first chapter. It should be posted today(6/18/2020) or tomorrow(6/19/2020). 
            Please remember that it is a book that will hold chapters for what happens afterwards in the original story.


The next chapter is the last one of the original story, chapters after that will be stories of what happens afterwards, like the snippets I’ve been using for example.
          If there is a snippet you want to have as a full story, just tell me and I’ll add it to the list. If you have your own ideas, please feel free to share in the comments of the next chapter! 
          Now, not all of the chapters have to be linked with one another. For example, if someone asks me to write Trollex x Chaz, I will(probably). But if someone then asks me to write something like Trollex x Branch, then the two chapters won’t be linked together. They will be separate stories that are still linked to the original, but not to each other.
          I hope that made sense, if you have any questions, please feel free to asks! I’ll do my best to answer!
          Oh, one final thing, the next/last chapter of the original story will be posted either tonight or Monday(6/15/2020), I don’t like to write on the weekends.


The next chapter might be late by a few days. This is because I am currently dealing with attending to a wound I have that had recently gotten worse.
          I’m sorry, but I will have to care for it first and make sure I’m okay before writing the chapter. Though I have been writing little by little when I have the time.
          Again, I’m sorry that this is causing problems, hopefully you all won’t have to wait too long.
          I hope you all have a wonderful Day/Night!


You have nothing to apologize for. Your health is more important than any old chapter. 


Ok, this is going to sound a little strange. But I keep wanting to write something that doesn’t really make a lot of sense. So I was hoping I could get some of your thoughts on it. It’s basically for a snippet that could become something more after the original story is complete.
          Basically, I keep imagining that the few hairs Trollex have are just really tight braids and that they come undone when his beads are removed. Then he has puffy hair that kinda just flops down and kinda over his face. It looks really cute in my head. 
          Of course, I’ve been drawing him differently since it’s more appealing to me personally to draw him like that. But let me know what you think and if the next chapter should have a snippet about it!
          I seriously have no idea if I should write or not, so your opinion on weather I should or shouldn’t would be greatly appreciated!
          Oh, I’m planning the next chapter being published on Thursday or next Friday(6/11/2020 or 6/12/2020). I’ll make sure to announce if anything happens that makes me late!
          I hope you all have a Wonderful Day/Night!


@RingoDrummer Even though you changed the snippet, I still think that that's a new and fun idea to have  I wonder what the leaders reactions would've been though


I went against the idea, and instead wrote a snippet involving screaming children, Trollex, and Branch.


@RingoDrummer eh I personally like his hair  the way it is, but you are the author of the story so it's your call. I would however love to see the picture when you have it finished.