
♥ Would You Rather ♥
          	Would you rather meet a new friend or potential lover?


@ Romance  of course, potential lover)


♥ Would You Rather ♥
          Would you rather meet a new friend or potential lover?


@ Romance  of course, potential lover)


Are there any more official contests looking for completed book? @romance 


@ChrissyQueen Every year there is the official Wattys. There are also some contests held by the Ambassador Team. You can read all about them in our Profile Guide:


Hello, I wrote a book. My book was published as a book a while ago. Our contract with the publishing house has ended. Now I'm publishing it on Wattpad again. My book was a finalist in the 2018 Wattys competition longlist. I think the subject of my book is very suitable for being a movie. But I want to carry out this process correctly.  So this may take some time. How can I benefit from the opportunities offered by Wattpad? (I'm Turkish) That's why I know that the opportunities Wattpad offers to Turkey are not many. What should I do to take advantage of English opportunities? (By the way, my book is set in America, in San Francisco. I can transfer the rights of my book to Wattpad. (For example, if there is a movie project or anything else) I would be very happy if you could give me information.
          (I got help from the translation program. I'm very sorry if I made a mistake.)


@TheOrangutan  Thank you so much 


@armeneusa - this isn't something the Ambassadors can really help with as they're not staff, and not directly involved in the process of taking a story from Wattpad to the big screen. 
            I would suggest that posting your story on Wattpad gives it the chance to be seen, and if many people start enjoying it and reading it then it will come to Wattpad's attention. To take advantage of English opportunities then I'd suggest possibly translating it to English if you can, but I appreciate that that's not always easy or affordable. Sorry we can't help more.


Hello, Romancers!
          Have you ever wanted to write a romance story but weren't sure how to start or needed an idea to build from? If so, this book is for you. 
          Each month, we'll have a theme and prompts to help you launch your story. Of course, you can take the prompt and change it to suit your writing style or choose more than one prompt to build your story.
          Check out this month's prompts here:


Hello, Romancers!
          Romance has updated its Confirmed Contestants chapter. Head on over to see if your story has been accepted:
          Please keep in mind that if a category was closed and you met the qualifications, your story might be placed in a different category than the one you chose to allow more stories to participate. 
          Submissions close on June 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST or once all the slots have been filled, so be sure to send us your entry through the contest form before it's too late!


@AuthorSaman Yes, we just haven’t updated the sheet with the final entries which we are working on right now. Good luck! 


@Leisha_10101010101 We've looked through our submission sheet, and can't find any entry with your username.


♥ We Want To Know ♥
          What's the most romantic destination you've ever visited or dream of visiting someday with your significant other?


@Romance wherever my husband is.


@Romance mykonos, Santorini and Ibiza