
I'm moving my works to AO3!!! My username will be Rookie_Actor and you can find all my stories there as well. I will keep all current works here, as well as continue to publish them here, but any new stuff will be over on AO3. Thanks!


I'm moving my works to AO3!!! My username will be Rookie_Actor and you can find all my stories there as well. I will keep all current works here, as well as continue to publish them here, but any new stuff will be over on AO3. Thanks!


Something new is coming. It is a story that has been developing in my head since 2019, but I had no idea how to spin it...until now. Ready your boats and sharpen your hidden blades. 
          Coming soon: a story concerning dragons and assassins.


I'm so sorry to have not posted anything in a while. I have hit a bit of a snag considering the fact that I can no longer access Wattpad on my computer for unknown reasons. Absolutely nothing has changed concerning my internet service provider and the operating system that I use. It's more difficult to remember to post when I have to use my phone. I will try my best to put out "Beastars" chapters at a regular, weekly rate again. "Dark Crystal" is my top writing priority at the moment, and I will publish the next chapter just as soon as I finish it. My new "Dragon Prince" story will be put on hold for a while until the show has finished up, just in case there are any pertinent plot points I need to be aware of.
          Thank y'alls for being awsome!!!


And thus begins the last arch of my Beastars: Blackout fanfiction saga. I had too many ideas I wanted to explore in this installment and as such, the third arch in my opinion isn't as strong as the first two. But I do believe there is enough there for there to be a good story. If the third arch does well, I'll start a "Shishi-Gumi" fanfic akin to the "Peaky Blinders" show. Maybe I'll explore the world a bit more, but after my Dark Crystal fanfic, which should be having an update very soon.


@Rookter yeah obviously, but that’s ok. there’s nothing wrong with taking inspiration from different shows/movies/books. There is a difference between copying and taking inspiration. For me it makes the story more interesting and exciting seeing scenes play out just like in the shows and movies. It helps get a visual idea of what’s going on.


@Parcival_Wolf yeah...might have stolen some inspiration/scenes.


Ya know speaking of Peaky Blinders i took a chance at watching it and I gotta say it’s a great show. But after watching a specific scene between Tommy and Alfie, it reminded of the agreement chapter from the second arc of your Beastars story…and now I can’t stop imagining Masumi as Alfie and Melon as Thomas


And just like that...I have finished writing the third and final arc of my "Beastars: Blackout Saga". Chapters will continue to regularly come out weekly on Mondays until the end, with a special bonus half-chapter this Friday. 
          In other news: there should hopefully be more, steady updates with my "Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance" fanfic. I also plan to create a "Shishi-Gumi" fanfic akin to "Peaky Blinders" in the same vein of "Dark Crystal"; working on it when I can, with chapters coming out when they are completed. It will be slow and might just fall off, but I want shush...
          This has been the biggest writing projects I have worked on thus far, by myself, and I am SUPER PROUD of how the story turned out and how well its been received. I now hope to start seriously getting to work writing a fantasy series. Hope to actually get that published some day, but we will see. 
          ~Thank you all for reading. Peace!


I have...two chapters to finish before the entire Beastars: Blackout saga is completed! This entire journey have been one hell of a ride. I can't wait to share the entire story with you all. Maybe I'll continue with this "continued universe" of mine with a......nevermind. Spoilers.  ;-)


Hey Rookter! just want to say that I adore your beastar fanfic. The new characters, the original fleshed out plot, everything about it is just great and this is the second time I’m reading this. I like how you dove into each characters perspective from the citizens and the criminal/justice side. The Razor killer aka Shoon Kotobuki is something. He’s similar to Melon in a way but not similar to Melon. Looking into his side of life, he’s an interesting character. 
          I look forward to more updates from you soon and keep up the good work. Til next time;)


@Parcival_Wolf Thank you very much. Glad to hear you're enjoying the duality of the characters and the overarching plot. I hope it continues to meet your expectations and possibly exceed them.


My two stories "Beastars: A Steep Fall From Light" and "The Third Eye" have both been submitted to the running for Wattys!!! "Beastars" will be in the FanFic category and "Third Eye" will be in fantasy. I am so excited/hopeful for these two. Thank you to everyone who is reading/has read these and I hope they go far! Fingers crossed and hopeful for the best.