
I'm so excited to moderate the Youngstown Live/d Reading event between Sarah K. Stephens and Christopher Barzak on January 16th at 7pm EST.
          	There's still time to register for $25 on Lit Youngstown's website:


Exciting news! A phenomenal writer and very close friend of mine @KuroKageJS has started a Patreon to take the next step toward publishing her work. Consider joining for free or one of the tiers for updates and sneak peaks into the rewrites she's doing. Find her Patreon @Alex J Wynter or using the link below 


So incredibly honored to be named a Grand Master for the Write to Rank 2023 contest! This was my first time joining the contest, and there were so many fantastic writers this year. It was a blast to get to know more people and read other's take on the prompts. A massive congrats to all the round winners and the other Grand Master @kurokageJS Visit @action to check out all the winners and the contest. 
          The round winners from my stories include Enduring Eternality, Sentenced to Solitude, and Freedom Unhinged. To check out all the pieces I wrote for the contest visit this link


@RoseMarry You're welcome and congrats!


@KurokageJS Aww thanks so much! It means a lot <3


@amaryll28 @KPMadden @PennedbyLiz Thank you so much for all your support! <3


This year was my first time doing Write to Rank and wow was it fun! Really enjoyed the challenge. 
          My goals going in were two things: 1). complete all the rounds, and 2). Write pieces that are weird, out of the box, and unusual while still trying to adhere to the prompt. I can happily say I've completed both of these goals. 
          Did I walk the tightrope of mature? Absolutely. 
          Did I sometimes not follow the prompt or stray too far? Most certainly. 
          But I'm still really proud of the writing that came out of the challenge. Thanks so much to everyone who took a chance on my writing, left comments, or gave my work a read. It really made it a blast to see other's reactions and read other's entries.


@RoseMarry You are most welcome. It makes me happy to hear that. Thank you as well.


@LiamHunt0618 Aw thanks so much for your kind words! It was so much fun being able to write alongside you. I appreciate all your support and comments too <3 You did an awesome job too!


@RoseMarry I also enjoyed the challenge, especially due to writers like you. Thank you very much for all of your support given and the writings you shared with us. I'm happy we were able to fight along each other and make it till the end. Congratulations to you. I think you did a great job.


For my W2R Round 8 piece I wrote a Hansel and Gretel retelling set in the world of Candy Land (the board game). Writing this one brought back so many fond memories of playing this game. Did anyone else play Candy Land as a kid?


@Red_Leasia I'm so glad you think so and that you played the game as a kid too!! It was one of my favorites. The new version of the game is really lackluster compared to the old ones. They got rid of a lot of characters and the place names and the story in the new version. Thanks for your kind comment ☺️


@RoseMarry That is so cool and unique! I did!


So excited to announce that my flash piece Reminiscence has been published in Straylight Magazine!
          Free to read on the magazine's website:


@LiamHunt0618 thank you for your kind words! 


@RoseMarry That sounds great. Congratulations. Keep up the good work.