
Man, didn’t make the shortlist, but I’m still super proud of what we made together @cbmokedi 
          	Congrats to all the shortlisters! 


@RowanCarver "Fairy Crosses" is a wonderful story - it's so thoughtful and sensitive. I loved it. Sometimes you don't win a contest because they're looking for something particular and yours doesn't fit that mould. It's genuinely great, and you're right to be proud of it. (It was hard to even make the Longlist, so congratulations!!!!)


@DankMemesTTCaricom yeah honestly our entry was so rushed, and the topic didn’t really seem to match the other shortlisters. I noticed there was lots of supernatural entries that made it through (angels, demons, etc). I don’t think Fairy was commercial enough, and it’s a more somber tale


@RowanCarver, feel kinda bad that you didn't make it super far this year. Hopefully, next time will be even better!


Man, didn’t make the shortlist, but I’m still super proud of what we made together @cbmokedi 
          Congrats to all the shortlisters! 


@RowanCarver "Fairy Crosses" is a wonderful story - it's so thoughtful and sensitive. I loved it. Sometimes you don't win a contest because they're looking for something particular and yours doesn't fit that mould. It's genuinely great, and you're right to be proud of it. (It was hard to even make the Longlist, so congratulations!!!!)


@DankMemesTTCaricom yeah honestly our entry was so rushed, and the topic didn’t really seem to match the other shortlisters. I noticed there was lots of supernatural entries that made it through (angels, demons, etc). I don’t think Fairy was commercial enough, and it’s a more somber tale


@RowanCarver, feel kinda bad that you didn't make it super far this year. Hopefully, next time will be even better!


Very excited to announce that Fairy Crosses made the ONC Longlist


Heya there, Rowan.
          How are you doing?
          I apologize for the unexpected comment but since wattpad removed the PM feature, I didn't had any other option except to message here.
          I hope you don't mind my sudden message.
          I don't know if you agree with the author's opnion or not, but I hope to give few seconds of your precious time into reading this book and if you agree with the author's opnion, including mine and many other users that are against the wattpad removing the PM feature, sign the petition inside the book and if you want to, and can, share the petition in anyway you can.

          It would mean the works for the author of the book. =)
          Sorry again for disturbing your peace and I hope you will have great time. ❤️
          Until next time 


Hi everyone, I am restarting this bookclub for the summer. We used to run it like a year ago and it was really fun and laid back but we got too busy. This year I have a little more time so I figured I’d give it another shot. The requirement is easy, you just read a chapter a week. Rounds are two weeks long. It involves partner reading and a book in the spotlight that everyone gets a chance at, so it should help increase your reads. Very laidback club. Submit a form if you want to join! I’m planning on making the first round live in early June 


@AnnamitaMuscaria there’s no review requirement, but you can if you want. The only requirement is to leave at least a few comments, but there’s no set amount 


@RowanCarver I didn’t know you use to have a book club. This is a very interesting idea, do you need to make a review of the chapter or just read it?
            @ella_rowan, @teodorathescholar, @vykiknighthadley, I’m tagging you ladies because that might interest you.


Hi everyone, @SeanScruffy and I have decided to rewrite our ONC 2022 4th place grandwinner, OMNIX. We are going to submit it to the Watty's this year! During the ONC contest we were unable to submit the story in full due to time and word count constraints. We're so excited to bring you the complete story this summer!  If you want to keep up with our updates, add it to your reading list! 


Misogyny on the internet these days is so rampant and terrifying. Like as an author I’m afraid to write female characters especially characters like Eden…and as a woman I feel less and less secure knowing the kinds of things men are growing up to believe. Every YouTube or Instagram comment section is just red pill all the way down. I was just watching a video of lionesses fighting off a male and the comment section was full of insecure men who couldn’t handle watching a NATURE VIDEO. I have a vault of comments from men saying I can’t name a fictional post apocalyptic character King, much less write a woman in power. I feel so much hatred in every online space and it’s leaking to the real world too. My sister lives in New York and her roommate was one of the victims who were randomly punched in the face for being a woman. How did we get to this place as a society??


@RowanCarver we are always like this. Only a few of us left and they are victim of these people. Humanity is lost in this wilderness. We are not growing into a super being. Instead degrading to a status lower than a worm 


this message may be offensive
@RowanCarver wait it‘s that bad? You really are afraid to write female characters? Oh my, what is going on with this world. I see nothing of that because I stay off the internet in every way possible (even Wattpad, I access it only through browser) and only read queer books to begin with (where title swaps like your King Eden and women in power are the norm). I‘m really sorry you have such a terrible experience. It is wild how men lose their shit over lionesses, it‘d be funny if it weren‘t such a sad situation. And your sister, I really hope everything will be okay for her and you, and that you two stay safe.


I'm very excited to announce that @CBMokedi and I have finished Fairy Crosses. We've also submitted it to Round 3 of ONC. I am so lucky to have an amazing coauthor. Her skill was tough to keep up with and I improved so much by working with her! Thank you SO much for helping me bring Charlotte's story to the page. 
          You can read the story in full here:


@RowanCarver is too kind lol I felt pressured when I started this because you're someone I've looked up to. King is one of the best books on Wattpad and I say the same thing now as I've said it for a long time. I really wanted to write this as best as I could.