School life sucks. I mean, I've already graduated from school, and I'm happy that I don't have to see those annoying creatures (my classmates) again.
          	So tell me, do you hate your classmates? Because I surely do. Lmao.
          	[Side note: Today I saw one of my classmates, and I directly hid. No, I'm not scared of them, but I just don't want to meet/see them.]


@STATUSFUN yup my friends are really good they alway help me when needed 


@Anshi024 You must have great friends and memories with them. Good to know bestie.(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)


@STATUSFUN Not that Love bestie it's like seeing them again brought many childish memories 


I had read a story where both guys are students one is rich other is poor the rich will torture the poor but the poor guy won't say anything because his grandma was in hospital the rich will help where at point the rich will take poor to a night party where he tortures the poor even though his friends are against he will not stop do you know what is this story


@anusham28061999 I'm sorry, bestie, but I don't remember if I read that story or not.


          You have been booped! Put this on 20 other profiles! Let the chaos/mayhem begin!
          (Hi love, givin u all my boops cuz i’m lazy)


@STATUSFUN no lol its a chain comment. so like i sent it 2 u now u would send it to me so on and so forth. 
            abd no not yhe fish i think its like booping some one on the nose:)


@SincerelyAngelBerry  boops??? You mean Boops the fish but I don't like fish. 


School life sucks. I mean, I've already graduated from school, and I'm happy that I don't have to see those annoying creatures (my classmates) again.
          So tell me, do you hate your classmates? Because I surely do. Lmao.
          [Side note: Today I saw one of my classmates, and I directly hid. No, I'm not scared of them, but I just don't want to meet/see them.]


@STATUSFUN yup my friends are really good they alway help me when needed 


@Anshi024 You must have great friends and memories with them. Good to know bestie.(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)


@STATUSFUN Not that Love bestie it's like seeing them again brought many childish memories 


this message may be offensive
So I recently read a very, very bad novel, and I knew it was going to be bad, but I still continued to read 21 or 22 chapters, and each chapter made my blood boil. The male lead is narcissistic, a victim player, has no brain, knows everything, but still hurts the female lead. And the female lead was so pathetic and needed to have some self-respect, like that man kept blaming, and she also blamed herself and felt bad for that man, like, what the hell, dude?
          Why did people make this type of novel? No, I don't want the ML and FL to be some intelligent shit, but at least let them have some common sense. I hate this so much. It's my fault to read further and boil my blood. Aish, I need my precious time back.༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


@STATUSFUN tell me ! I wanna torture myself! ◉⁠‿⁠◉


@SkylarJay16 For real, i thought atleast that ml have some character development or brain development but none.


@STATUSFUN it's cuz we're too gullible and think it's gonna get better¡~¡


I don't know if any of you are in the Thai BL series or know Net and James, but I recently got to know that James left acting or took a break now that the ship has ended and Net will have to find a new partner. Like, bro, I didn't expect this; they are one of my favorite ships, and it's hurting like hell. Last year, Biblexbuild got separated, and now NetxJames.
          Now I'm scared of my other ships. I mean, I don't want to get attached, but still, I got attached to them emotionally, and it's making me feel sad.༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


@Dangerouslyclose556 Now we have to see Net with someone else ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


Nooooooooo  I didn’t know that, I loved em 


@SkylarJay16 (⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠)


So girls and guys, let's share our birthday dates. And I'll make sure to wish you.
          My birthday falls on June 15th. If you happened to read my books "Another Timeline" and "Second Chance," you might have noticed that I mentioned June 15th as an important date. That's because it's my birthday date!


@Anshi024 It's nobody's fault, you're Welcome ☺️


I think I'm in love.(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥


@Ma7_babies Ofcourse. "It's okay, I'm in love with my-my myself
            It's okay, nan i sungan haengbokhae" (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


@STATUSFUN with ur self right shawty?


@Anshi024 I looked in the mirror, and I fell in love with myself.


Happy Valentine's Day! I completely forgot that today was Valentine's Day until Zomato reminded me. Lmao. But for people like me, it's just another regular day. Anyway, can't wait for the 18th of February, which is Hoba's birthday! Woohoo!


@Aarvika6342 Happy Basant Panchami.


@Aarvika6342 Oh yeah! Today is Saraswati Puja


@STATUSFUN No, it's not regular because it's also Basant Panchami.


          This is a ghost story, and according to my mom, it's based on true events that occurred during my great-grandmother's era. Unfortunately, I'm not sure exactly how many years ago it took place.
          A couple in love defied their parents' arranged marriages and ran away. They found an abandoned house in a jungle that was in their neighbour's village and made it their temporary home.
          The husband became a wildlife officer, working night shifts to support their family. Over the years, they saved money and had three children, cherishing their family and striving for a better future.
          One day, the husband mentioned he had the night shift but returned unexpectedly. Surprised, the wife asked why he wasn't working. He explained that someone else took his shift and asked her to cook. She agreed, and he went to rest on the sofa. The wife noticed his feet were facing backwards.
          She shivered, realizing only witches had such peculiar feet. This also means her husband dies, because that's how witches control the body. Panicked, she pinched her two babies, making them cry. Her husband asked why they were crying.
          She mentioned that they had to use the restroom. She told him to rest and exit the house with just two babies; she left the third one behind since she could only carry two. She securely locked the front door and ran towards the village.
          If the witch was asleep, she believed that by running quickly and alerting the villagers, she could rescue her third baby.
          After arriving, she started calling for help. Villagers gathered, and she told them everything. They decided to confront the witch, armed with sticks. They arrived to find a broken door, blood all over the room, and bones in the baby carriage.
          The wife is left with nothing but tears as she mourns the loss of her husband and child.


@Anshi024 I know, right! When I heard it first, I was so scared.


this message may be offensive
          I was part of the BTS group on Telegram when I came across this girl. Let's call her a bitch. So, Bitch mentioned that she was in a BTS WhatsApp group and I could join it, and I decided to give it a try. It turned out to be an amazing group where everyone shared BTS-related content and had a few fun jokes.
          I started talking to Bitch more, and we became friends. I noticed that she didn't really participate in the group conversations, just like me. Personally, I was hesitant to text the group because I wasn't sure if anyone would respond.
          One day, Bitch messaged me and mentioned that she was taking an online fashion designer course. I congratulated her, but then she told me that she couldn't make the payment due to server issues. She asked me if I could pay for her, which amounted to over 2,000 rupees.
          I became suspicious when she said she would send me a link to make the payment. If this had happened before I went to college, I might have fallen for it, but now I know better about the online form-filling process.


@iti7404 After considering it, I must admit that I feel stupid. Nevertheless, I'm glad I didn't fall for her scam. Thank you for showing your concern.。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。


@STATUSFUN  Thats some nice tea.... but yeah everyone should be aware of cyber security....and never trust anyone blindly just coz he / she likes same thing as yours or are in the same fandom.... u never know if they are pretending or what behind the screen


Part 2:
            If you want to enroll in any college or online course, the first step is to search for the official website on Google. From there, you can fill out the form and make the payment directly. There's no need for a specific link, so I realized she was lying.
            I didn't open the link and decided to text her back, saying, "Hey, I tried opening the link you sent, but it's not working. Could you please provide me with the name of the website so I can make the payment from there? I'm familiar with the form filling process, so just give me your information, and I'll take care of it for you."
            But she refused to disclose the name of the website. I persistently requested the site's name so that I could search for it on Google. This seemed to agitate her, and she responded with, "You could simply refuse to help me instead of wasting my time."
            In response, I messaged her, suggesting, "Why don't you just tell me the site's name so I can ask my brother, who works in cyber, for assistance?" (Side note: I lied about my brother working in cyber.)
            This only seemed to further provoke her, and she replied, "No, forget it. I don't need your help or anything. I apologize for even asking."
            I replied to her message, saying, "It's alright. I forgive you."
            Now, here's the embarrassing part. I wanted to share this incident with my friend, so I took a screenshot to show her how I handled the situation. However, I accidentally sent the  screenshot to that girl, and she saw it before I could delete it.