
Happy 10 years of IPKKND. Really sorry for showing up so late but hope all are safe and with loves ones. 
          	Its been 10 years, couldn't believe it. Because its so fresh in our minds and hearts.  Wish we all get lucky to see the cast together on one platform working again on something if not our  beloved show. 
          	Bcz all we want is for them to come together. 
          	Love always.
          	P.s. : I really am sorry for being MIA. But can't help it. Jusy bear with me for little longer. I promise to be back.


@SamridhiJain5 thank you for the note, hope you will be back to complete In search of love, Arnav’s confession is beautiful, wish to see Arshi together and happiness for Khushi.


Happy 10 years of IPKKND. Really sorry for showing up so late but hope all are safe and with loves ones. 
          Its been 10 years, couldn't believe it. Because its so fresh in our minds and hearts.  Wish we all get lucky to see the cast together on one platform working again on something if not our  beloved show. 
          Bcz all we want is for them to come together. 
          Love always.
          P.s. : I really am sorry for being MIA. But can't help it. Jusy bear with me for little longer. I promise to be back.


@SamridhiJain5 thank you for the note, hope you will be back to complete In search of love, Arnav’s confession is beautiful, wish to see Arshi together and happiness for Khushi.