
Summer Writing Plans!:
          	Hi everyone! Sorry for this announcement being so late. I would up getting caught in some work. But, 'Impress Me Not: Insomniac Cafe" is now completed, and it's onto my next adventures!
          	Insomniac Cafe has a sequel to it that is unlike all the other stories in the series, along with all the other novels I've written in general. Since it has such a deep connection with Anton's story, "Impress Me Not: Neon Underground" Is going to be launched starting June 1st! I'm going to be giving myself a writing challenge for June to see if I can publish a chapter every day that month of this story. It's going to be completely LGBTQ+ themed with unique characters, sexualities, and a story that is both hot and a bit tragic. If you want to know what happens to Mateo, then feel free to tune in and explore the madness!
          	This story is going to be ongoing and I don't believe I can finish it in  single month. However, I do have another werewolf story in the works for everyone that I plan on getting ready for and publishing in July. Once that story comes out, I will be publishing both regularly. 
          	I know that there's been a lot of people who followed me for my supernatural romances, and I miss my werewolf stories too! This summer is where I'm going to test my limits on writing to see just how much I can get done for both stories! 
          	I hope you're all just as excited as I am for this! Have a great weekend everyone! I'll see you n June 1st!


I’m so exited can’t wait for the supernatural story!


@Saturn_Passion can't wait but please remember to take care of yourself and take breaks! ❤️


@Saturn_Passion - This sounds exciting! Wishes of luck to meet your goals! You can do it! ❤️


Summer Writing Plans!:
          Hi everyone! Sorry for this announcement being so late. I would up getting caught in some work. But, 'Impress Me Not: Insomniac Cafe" is now completed, and it's onto my next adventures!
          Insomniac Cafe has a sequel to it that is unlike all the other stories in the series, along with all the other novels I've written in general. Since it has such a deep connection with Anton's story, "Impress Me Not: Neon Underground" Is going to be launched starting June 1st! I'm going to be giving myself a writing challenge for June to see if I can publish a chapter every day that month of this story. It's going to be completely LGBTQ+ themed with unique characters, sexualities, and a story that is both hot and a bit tragic. If you want to know what happens to Mateo, then feel free to tune in and explore the madness!
          This story is going to be ongoing and I don't believe I can finish it in  single month. However, I do have another werewolf story in the works for everyone that I plan on getting ready for and publishing in July. Once that story comes out, I will be publishing both regularly. 
          I know that there's been a lot of people who followed me for my supernatural romances, and I miss my werewolf stories too! This summer is where I'm going to test my limits on writing to see just how much I can get done for both stories! 
          I hope you're all just as excited as I am for this! Have a great weekend everyone! I'll see you n June 1st!


I’m so exited can’t wait for the supernatural story!


@Saturn_Passion can't wait but please remember to take care of yourself and take breaks! ❤️


@Saturn_Passion - This sounds exciting! Wishes of luck to meet your goals! You can do it! ❤️


          Hi everyone! I haven't been super active here until recently, and it's been a long time since I've made an announcement. But I'm back from my writing breaks and I'm going to keep on rolling with it until I need another break. For now, it is finally happening! "Impress Me Not: Insomniac Cafe" is on its last week of chapters! I haven't typed them all out yet, but I'm going to make sure they are all out by this Friday! This week is going to be for tying up any loose ends with the story, and I have an interesting twist that is going to lead me into my plan for more novels afterwards!
          I'm going to be making another announcement by the end of the week in regards to my next novels. Thank you all for being so patient with me. I have some big plans this summer that I'm super excited to get started with!
          I hope you all have a great week! Make sure to check my page this coming Friday for updates of the next planned out stories!


I just wanted you to know that am a very very very very bigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg fan of your work. Like you're an amazing and awesome writer. I love you soooooooooooo much. I didn't think I would be addicted to one writer works, but am addicted to all your books. They're superb. I am your biggest fan. You write beautifully and I love you the most ( don't tell my other favourite writers that, shhhhh it's between us). Keep on writing, am still reading the beast and his tamer. Rhett X Sebastian. I love it. And I love you


@Saturn_Passion you're very welcome. Ba ba. SARANGHAE 


@saturn_Passion thanks for the info, will do, but Don't think that just because I love you I'll go easy on you, get that stick Down your ass and get your head in the game gurl, I still love you tho. Keep telling me how much you love me. Smooches


@BellJia_li thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me! I've been a bit slow with writing but I've been able to pick it back up lately and I'm hoping to get some more stories out soon!
            Rhett and Sebastian are one of my favorite couples lol but definitely read book 2! It has more adventure and a crazy love story that goes through so many ups and downs. It's my all time favorite right next to Reverence Pack.


Wattpad is increasing the age of consent in stories to 18+ (from 16) on April 15. They are also using AI for content moderation.
          Additionally, this is a good time to ensure that stories are saved somewhere outside of Wattpad. 
          Just wanted to provide this information, even if it has no direct impact.
          For more information, see or the mega-thread on the Wattpad subreddit.


@readingchemistry thank you for the information! Thankfully I always keep my stories backed up.


          Happy December 28th everyone! I've been trying to write and stay caught up with my stories around the holidays that I almost missed this date!
          "Mateless and Rogue Bound" now has physical copies in the bookstores, starting with Amazon! If you can't or don't want to buy the signed copies from me (Which I still have a bunch btw) then you can order it online through Amazon or your favorite bookstore! 
          I don't have too much to say other than that I'm so excited to have it out! 
          I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and I wish you all a Happy New Year! 
          Happy reading!


@Saturn_Passion also umm... is there a smut?


@Saturn_Passion oh I definitely would get both. I believe its the store.bookbaby right?


@Saturn_Passion Thank you! what about the first book, Mateless and Luna Bound?


Signed Books!
          Hi guys! So, I just got my order of the physical copies of "Mateless and Rogue Bound" today! 
          The physical copy won't be available to purchase until 12/28/23 BUT - If anyone wants a signed copy from my personal stock I can do my best to get it to you before the holidays!
          Here's the fun part! I also still have signed copies of "Mateless and Luna Bound"! 
          If you want either book as a signed copy, please feel free to message me! Either on Wattpad, or you can use my email of
          That's all I wanted to tell you guys! I hope you're all as excited as I am! I'll see you all soon!


@Saturn_Passion I just received it and everyone should buy a copy it's so nice...... ❤️ 