
Hello Wattpaders,
          	Thank you to all the many who submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          	If you are still interested, you have some time to review the Ambassador Program title on the @Ambassador profile and to submit your application. The submission form is available via the link below and on the @Ambassador Bio. 
          	Happy Writing and Reading to all =)
          	The Ambassadors


Hello Wattpaders,
          Thank you to all the many who submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          If you are still interested, you have some time to review the Ambassador Program title on the @Ambassador profile and to submit your application. The submission form is available via the link below and on the @Ambassador Bio. 

          Happy Writing and Reading to all =)
          The Ambassadors


Hey Wattpad I don't know if your going to respond or not but can you bring back the message board so that I can dm other people on Wattpad.


@koolbumpy2025 - This is an Ambassador run profile, and the Ambassadors have not removed that function. There is more information on the Help pages here - - but this decision was taken by Wattpad, not our Ambassadors. The Ambassadors are volunteers and have no influence over this decision. Please read the Help pages for more information and you can also contact Wattpad via the Help pages if you wish to give feedback. Thank you.


Some say Science Fiction is more than just a description of possible future, but more the occasion to discuss social structures and the evolution of humanity.
          We propose to look at some tropes and discuss about their advantages and how they help bring a reflection on humankind.
          !! Aliens: good or evil !!
          Among the Aliens tropes, two are opposing in presenting the "Travelers from Out There" in either a benevolent way or as monsters on a path to humankind destruction:
          - Aliens are kind, intelligent push-overs and humans are destroying their worlds.
          - Aliens are evil, brutal godlike beings trying to enslave humans.
          Which  of the above two tropes are you more likely to use? And what message or discussion would you use it for?


            I'd select "Aliens are kind, intelligent push-overs and humans are destroying their worlds." 
            In my view, they are probably just like us humans minding their own business and low and behold they find another existing planet: Earth! What a shocker! LOL
            Have you seen those M&M commercials (although they don't appear on tv too often anymore) where red and the yellow candy seem to be ignored by humans while they talk? Well, I imagine aliens to be like that. Harmless to a core, but if you provoke them to strike, you'll be asking for it! 
            Another example I remember is the 80's movie, ET. That alien was just curious and wanted to go home to his planet. No harm done. Yet later in the movie I believe it was doctors or scientists who examine the alien and the kid ET befriended for fear of a contagious disease. It was an epic Sci-fi children's  movie!
            I think the evil stuff comes from more Adult thinking, Area 51,and Roswell, New Mexico. As said, what we don't know, can scare us. Is that necessarily a bad thing?
            a few seconds ago •


@ScienceFiction I think the difference between them being good or bad will come  from the length of time they had the possibility to explore space and the distance - amount of life bearing planets- they have visited already in their entire history. A young space faring civilization will probably need more space and resources, making them want our planet even if they are not inherently bad. At the opposite, if those needs have been meet already, they would be more prone to just explore, learn and maybe trade or even help.
            Personally I tend to be more optimistic about "them" thinking that the difficulty of long space travel would mean they have worked together as a species to evolve, to manage this they would have had to resolve many social problems. In my view that would make them more prone to be empathetic towards us even if they want things from our planet. So I tend to see and use them as good or goodish.


@ScienceFiction If I had to choose between them, I would be more likely to choose the first (kind & intelligent) as I believe everyone needs a reminder sometimes that those around them are people, too.  We're all trying our best, and sometimes that clashes or looks odd from the outside, but there's always a reason, and the more often we can extend understanding, empathy, or simple curiosity first, instead of annoyance, offense, or righteous anger, the better the world will be.
            What I'm *most* likely to do in a story with aliens, of course, strays from this particular template, as I would simply make them people, with all the intricacies and complications that come with that, but that's not quite the question.


Submissions for our reading lists are now open!
          Check out this chapter in our profile guide for more information:


@ScienceFiction I write flash fiction / short short stories of speculative fiction. Is there a place on Wattpad for those?


Hello Wattpadders, 
          We are revamping our reading lists! To help us facilitate that, we will be closing our story submission forms for a short while as we set up our new lists. As soon as those forms are open again for story submissions we will let you know. We will also notify you when our guidebook has been updated with our new reading list submission guidelines.
          The purpose of the revamp is to enable us to build an extensive library that will allow readers to fully immerse themselves in all  the science fiction genre has to offer here on Wattpad, and showcase even more amazing writers and their stories.
          Thanks for your patience while we get this all sorted out. 
          The Ambassadors


            Is this only for your profile or all ambassadors’ profiles?


@Romizabooks we cannot run anymore contests, sorry.


            Please let us know when submissions will open. 
            Will there be any contests in the near future?