
          Sorry to post this here but guys please give this book a try I'm sure you won't be disheartened. 
          A sweet yet obsessive story of couple but the truth is not always what we see, right? Check the story to find out.
          I think you'd like this story: "Obscure Truth " by authorrpariee on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/369165127?utm_source=android&utm_medium=whatsapp&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=authorrpariee


Hey I need help
           Can someone please suggest me a story  where male badboy and female is naive he fall her in his love and after sometime he use her and left her and after some years they both meet and he is having his child.like this something 
           Anyone know please tell me but Hindi or Indian story.


Sorry for posting without your permission.
          Please try my novel "LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO" 
          What happens when an indian girl falls with an American boy? Its a flirty, romantic, emotional roller coaster ride. I swear you will smile, blush, laugh, cry and get addicted to the characters.
          Don't blame me if you lose your nails in anticipation. It has so many twists and turns that it will you astonished. I promise you will not regret wasting your time on this lovely tale of romance
          Novel link:


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Hey does anyone know a book, I was reading it but now I can't find it, and even i don't remember the name of it. It was doctor kinda based in India only where there were two childhood sweethearts but then because of some misunderstanding the guy thinks that she the fl  is cheating on him with a junker the day when he was going to propose to her. And even in the fl's house some shit happens and her family throws her out of the house and with help of some relatives she goes to London or something i guess there she adopts a girl child but after 7 or something years later she had to come to India and blah blah. 
          If some know this book please tell me it will mean alot.