
Hello everyone! It's been so long since I've posted and this will be my final apology after having updated all of my stories.
          	I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry it took so long for me to finally update and complete everything.
          	I've just lost inspiration for, if I'm being honest, all of my writing here. I wish I could've finished them but I'm not going to push myself to write it when I no longer find joy in what I'm writing.
          	I've finally decided to post what I had left and be done with it instead of keeping up the chance that maybe I'll write more.
          	A part of it is that my writing style has changed and improved a lot since these stories and if I did continue it would be an incredibly huge change.
          	Another is that, although I still love the characters I've written about, I've moved on to writing about other things and characters.
          	All of my pieces here will hold a special place in my heart and they all helped me improve and to those who stuck around waiting I'm grateful. Those who read, commented, liked and followed made my day and helped me to keep writing. For that I say thank you.
          	Now, I don't know if I'll continue posting on here. It's just been so long and it's where I've posted my Klance and Ereri fics.
          	For those who may be interested, I have started using Archive of Our Own to post Haikyuu fics. Sort of like a new start and I'm making sure to never post something unless I've finished it because of what happened here.
          	Thank you everyone for following me! Words cannot describe how much I appreciate all of you!


My Ao3 username is Serenity4Lifeee if anyone wanted to know!


Hello everyone! It's been so long since I've posted and this will be my final apology after having updated all of my stories.
          I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry it took so long for me to finally update and complete everything.
          I've just lost inspiration for, if I'm being honest, all of my writing here. I wish I could've finished them but I'm not going to push myself to write it when I no longer find joy in what I'm writing.
          I've finally decided to post what I had left and be done with it instead of keeping up the chance that maybe I'll write more.
          A part of it is that my writing style has changed and improved a lot since these stories and if I did continue it would be an incredibly huge change.
          Another is that, although I still love the characters I've written about, I've moved on to writing about other things and characters.
          All of my pieces here will hold a special place in my heart and they all helped me improve and to those who stuck around waiting I'm grateful. Those who read, commented, liked and followed made my day and helped me to keep writing. For that I say thank you.
          Now, I don't know if I'll continue posting on here. It's just been so long and it's where I've posted my Klance and Ereri fics.
          For those who may be interested, I have started using Archive of Our Own to post Haikyuu fics. Sort of like a new start and I'm making sure to never post something unless I've finished it because of what happened here.
          Thank you everyone for following me! Words cannot describe how much I appreciate all of you!


My Ao3 username is Serenity4Lifeee if anyone wanted to know!


For those that follow my fic Worth It, I will be updating and going through to correct spelling mistakes and stuff like that.
          I’m still working on the next update and hopefully I’ll get something else out on July 28th (Lances birthday.)
          That’s all for now!


@Serenity4Lifee i haven't read read your books in a while! orguveForgive me. I was here when golden boy was first out


Hey guys!
          I got tagged by: @april_emina
          (Sorry if I got that wrong.)
          I'm supposed to tag 20 of my favorite accounts. I'm not gonna put the picture or anything but I'm just gonna put people I recommend. I hope you enjoy!
          1- @druggiejack            Not as it Seems [Voltron Klance - Spider-Man AU]
          2- @soki_kun        I'm Not Easy {Klance Omegaverse/ HS AU} the sequel is also good!
          3- @Rmellis484            Dear Diary (It's an Ereri one.)
          4- @jakarapledger97                 Omega(Ereri)
          5- @Unknownxe                        HIM. - Ereri/Riren
          6- @KlanceandPhan                Marrige Fit For A King {Klance AU}
          7- @EreriForever839                To Grow A Garden (Levi x Eren)
          8- @Dying_Fire_Lives              Now's Not The Time (A Klance SpideyPool AU)
          9- @americasings                      Lost Time     (It's an Altean Lance thing.)
          10- @elenawritesmagic              Our Little Miracle      (It's Ereri)
          11- @The_Silent_Writer63            Man Whore!  I Ereri I
          These are the only ones I can think of right now! I added some of the stories I really recommend but there are more of theirs that I would check out!
          I enjoy everything that I read and I think everybody is amazing but these are the ones I can think of! Thank you for looking at his!


@Serenity4Lifee Aww, I'm so glad that you enjoy that story, personally, I enjoy writing To Grow A Garden a lot so it's one of my favorite stories even though it's not as popular as some of my other stories. So it means a lot that you like that one, in particular, ~ <3 I'm honored.


Voltron is over and although sad I'll never forget get it. I love the show and Klance is still top for me❤️
          Although it's over I'll continue to post stories and ideas. As long as the  ideas are flowing I'll continue to post what I like. Klance will always have a chance no matter what❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
          (Basically me refusing to give up on Klance. I'm still getting over season 8 and everything is too soon right now. I'll continue to post though! I'm working on a Turned Prince Klance Christmas special that's basically done. Will be posted on Christmas day)


I've started a new story and I'm really liking it. All my other stories are kind of pulling me down because I have all these ideas for them but then writers block hits and I come to a stop.
          With this new one I'm working on it's not like that. Every chapter is an idea of some sort. I've already gotten quite a few chapters down and I'll post them as regularly as I can. I'm really enjoying it and that's where my time has been going.
          I'm sorry about all my other stories. I'm not giving up on them, just taking a break. When I get an idea or inspiration I will write for that story. Otherwise I'm going to work on the one I just started.
          I hope those of you who read it enjoy it and I just want everyone to know that I'm trying my best.


No. It's a normal story. It's going to have a different chapter for every day. It's called, Coffee Relations if that's helpful.


@ Serenity4Lifee  like a one-short 


This is an important message to all my readers and followers. I won't be posting for awhile.
          Reason 1- I will be doing a Klance July thing. It will last the whole month and will take up my time.
          Reason 2- I am going on two vacations during July and my free time is filling up.
          Reason 3-  Writers block is a bitch.
          Reason 4- My family is struggling with the fact of losing our dog. He's still alive but he's most likely not going to make it through July. He's diabetic and the amount of insulin we give him is extremely high but it doesn't really bring him down. Just levels out his blood sugar levels. He's blind and has an eye infection in one eye. Because the medicine we gave him didn't help he will have to have a surgery to remove his eye. Because he's diabetic and that causes all sorts of problems the chances of him making it through the surgery are very slim. He's 10. We haven't put him down yet because even though he has all these problems he's shown no signs of pain. He's always happy and his tail never stops wagging. He loves attention and shows no signs of pulling back. My family has been putting it off for so long but now we're kind of stuck. He's happy but he's not getting better. Only worse.
          I hope that clears things up! Life is life but I will not give up on these stories so stay tuned!