
Sorry guys my update is late AGAIN.
          	 I have a rash all over my hands since 3 days and it comes and goes and I don't even know what caused it. It's nearly all over my body but my hands are definitely the worst. I thought it will get better, but now my skin already breaks open. My hands feel like they are on fire and they do itch a lot so I'm currently having a hard time typing on the laptop. I promise I'll update as soon as my hands stop driving me crazy!


@ShipperDreams That sounds like hell on earth, I hope you get better! And preferably don't respond til you feel better


Sorry guys my update is late AGAIN.
           I have a rash all over my hands since 3 days and it comes and goes and I don't even know what caused it. It's nearly all over my body but my hands are definitely the worst. I thought it will get better, but now my skin already breaks open. My hands feel like they are on fire and they do itch a lot so I'm currently having a hard time typing on the laptop. I promise I'll update as soon as my hands stop driving me crazy!


@ShipperDreams That sounds like hell on earth, I hope you get better! And preferably don't respond til you feel better


ugggh somebody stop me pls, I'm soooo in the mood to start a new story, but I also have to go on with 'Not Him'


@ YouLocalAssassin  There are like 5 different stories in my head and I absolutely can't concentrate about the ongoing one -.-  


@ShipperDreams I know that feeling -.- It's REALLY hard when you get a really good new idea and then you remember you have to finish your other story first T°T


Heyy babes I created an Insta account called @shipperdreams (very surprising name) 
          Feel free to check it out or text me if you're bored, need a friend or just wanna talk about my books (I'd love to hear suggestions) or something else. 
          I might also anounce there sometimes when I'm going to post the next chapters or if I'm somehow not able to post, so you don't have to wait without any excuse.
          With love, ShipperDreams✨